Greenhouse Effect vs. Global Warming Greenhouse Effect ☼ NORMAL trapping of some of the Sun’s heat ☼ Keeps our planet warm enough to support life Global Warming ☼ The thickening of the atmosphere with greenhouse gasses (CO 2, CH 4 and N 2 O) ☼ More of the Sun’s heat gets trapped…increasing the planet’s temperature.
Carbon dioxide is the most important greenhouse gas & comes from burning fossil fuels Global warming potential = how good a gas is at trapping heat. GREENHOUSE EFFECT
Cutting down trees (deforestation) decreases the amount of CO2 removed from the atmosphere. Also burning fossil fuels increases the CO 2 in our atmosphere Carbon Dioxide Co2 CO 2 has a global warming potential of only “1,” but it is the most abundant. CO 2 is at its highest atmospheric level in at least 400,00 years.
Methane CH 4 Methane is the second most important greenhouse gas. 14% of greenhouse gases come form cow burps & some “flatulence” Methane also comes from fossil fuel production and waste disposal Methane has a global warming potential of “23.”
Nitrous Oxide (N 2 O) Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) One source is feedlots (the place the cows are kept before slaughter). Nitrous oxide is also released from chemical manufacturing plants and from automobiles. It can also be released from nitrogen fertilizers used on farms. NITROUS OXIDE has a global warming potential of “296.”
CO2 Nitrous oxide methane water vapor
Increasing temperatures AbATJCugs 8
Rising Sea Levels =fvsr =fvsr (NOTE WHERE CHARLOTTE IS…) 9