Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges UN-GGIM: Arab States WG3: Geodetic Reference Frame Zuheir Altamimi, IGN France Second meeting of UN-GGIM: Arab States, Algiers, June, 2015 Why a GGRF is needed ? UN GA Resolution on the GGRF Current Status of the GGRF (ITRF) ITRF Contributions of Arab States ? From ITRF to Regional & National Reference Frames WG3: Suggested key points for discussion: Technical and organizational aspects Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges Why a GGRF is needed ? Geodesy: Quantification of Earth changes in space and time, expressed in (related to) a Global Geodetic Reference Frame (GGRF): Sea Level variations in space and time Tectonic Motion & crustal deformation Dislocations due to Earthquakes Tsunamis and Natural Hazards, rescue and safety of life Positioning, locations & navigations (ocean, land, air & space) National territory & land managements, precision agriculture, … Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges Current Status of the GGRF The currently adopted GGRF in use today: The International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) Implemented by multiple geodetic techniques Developed by the IAG and its technique services More than 600 sites globally distributed Based on the “best-effort” principle, for the interest of science & societal applications: ~200 institutions around the World And at the regional/national level: Almost all regional, national (but also global, e.g. WGS84) reference frames are aligned to & compatible with ITRF Densifications by Regional/National Permanent GNSS(GPS) networks. Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges © GOCE ESA The Global Geodetic Reference Frame Goal/Challenge: determine locations & deformations with an improved precision, Everywhere & Anytime on Earth, to satisfy societal and science requirements Observing instruments Z Y X VLBI SLR GNSSDORIS Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges ITRF implementation Observations & Data Collection Data analysis & Product Generation per Technique Technique Unification & ITRF generation NMAs Space Agencies Universities Research Groups from: NMAs, Space Agencies & Universities USERS Schematic illustration of the chains leading to the ITRF generation Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges Critical issues inhibiting the GGRF enhancement Aging geodetic instruments, inhomogeneous network distributions & poor number of high quality instruments: ==> * critical for the GGRF accuracy * need new generation systems Based on the “best-effort” principle ==> * Need high level mandate to sustain the GGRF *Inter-governmental cooperation => economical benefit Many countries have poor access to the GGRF ==> * provide technical assistance to countries in need & build modern geodetic infrastructure ==> improve interoperability of geospatial data Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges Key Points of the UN GA Resolution Development & sustainability of the GGRF Enhance global cooperation: –No one country can do this alone –Multilateral cooperation –Provide technical assistance for countries in need Implement open sharing of geodetic data, standards and conventions, on a voluntary basis Commit to improving & maintaining national geodetic infrastructure Improve the GGRF Develop outreach programs Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges ITRF2014 Under Construction Available by September-October 2015 Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges ITRF2014 Network : VLBI Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges ITRF2014 Network: VLBI + SLR Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges ITRF2014 Network: VLBI + SLR + DORIS Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges ITRF2014 Network Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges ITRF2014 Network: GNSS Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges ITRF2014 Network: GNSS - Zoom Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges GNSS data explosion: ~15000 sites Blewitt, 2015 Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges From ITRF to Regional Reference Frames Purpose: –Geo-referencing and positioning applications (not designed for science applications, but could be!) –Unification of geodetic/mapping applications within a continent or a region, without need for transformation Requirement: no time variations or velocities in site coordinates –Imposed by law/decree –Easy to handle by surveyors for centimetric/decimetric precision applications GNSS(GPS) is the tool today to access the ITRF, via publicly available IGS products for > 600 reference sites Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges 17 IAG Structure since 2003 Commission 4 Positioning and Applications Commission 1 Reference Frames Commission 2 Gravity Field Commission 3 Earth Rotation and Geodynamics International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) 65 Member Countries (Adhering Bodies), 8 Associations International Association of Geodesy (IAG) Executive CommitteeOfficeCouncilCOB BIPM IVSPSMSL IGS Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) Services: IGeS IAS IDSILRSIDEMSICGEMIBS BGIIGFSIERSICET Inter-Commission Committee on Theory (ICCT) Bureau IUGG Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges Sub-commission 1.3 Regional Reference Frames Sub-commission 1.3 Regional Reference Frames Sub-commission 1.3a Europe (EUREF) Sub-commission 1.3a Europe (EUREF) Sub-commission 1.3d Africa (AFREF) Sub-commission 1.3d Africa (AFREF) Sub-commission 1.3c North America (NAREF) Sub-commission 1.3c North America (NAREF) Sub-commission 1.3b South America (SIRGAS) Sub-commission 1.3b South America (SIRGAS) Sub-commissions 1.3f Antarctica (SCAR) Sub-commissions 1.3f Antarctica (SCAR) Sub-commissions 1.3e Asia-Pacific (APREF) Sub-commissions 1.3e Asia-Pacific (APREF) IAG Commission 1 Reference Frames IAG Commission 1 Reference Frames Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges IAG Sub-commission 1.3 Regional Reference Frames IAG Sub-commission 1.3 Regional Reference Frames Sub-commission 1.3a Europe (EUREF) Sub-commission 1.3a Europe (EUREF) Sub-commission 1.3d Africa (AFREF) Sub-commission 1.3d Africa (AFREF) Sub-commission 1.3c North America (NAREF) Sub-commission 1.3c North America (NAREF) Sub-commission 1.3b South America (SIRGAS) Sub-commission 1.3b South America (SIRGAS) Sub-commissions 1.3f Antarctica (SCAR) Sub-commissions 1.3f Antarctica (SCAR) Sub-commissions 1.3e Asia-Pacific (APREF) Sub-commissions 1.3e Asia-Pacific (APREF) UN-GGIM Asia-Pacific UN-GGIM Europe UN-GGIM Africa UN-GGIM Americas UN-GGIM Arab States UN-GGIM regional entities & Interactions ?? Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges First AFREF Solution Fully connected to the ITRF Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges UN-GGIM: Arab States WG3: Geodetic Reference Frame Suggested key points for discussion: Technical and organizational aspects Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges WG3: Geodetic Reference Frame Technical Aspects Status of Arab National Reference Frames ? In order to benefit from new technologies & to be fully compatible with the global ITRF, need for: –National Reference Frame modernization using GNSS(GPS) –Infrastructure: Status of GNSS Permanent Network(s) at each country –Data Centers (archives of raw GPS observations) –Analysis Centers & know how –Compatibility/Alignment with the global ITRF –Cooperation between Arab States and International organizations/other countries –Should have your own expertise & know how Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges WG3: Geodetic Reference Frame Organizational Aspects Internal: Coordination between different GNSS network owners within each country External: Options: –Join the IAG structure through regional entities: AFREF, EUREF, APREF ? –Form an ARABREF and work collectively ? Overlap with AFREF for Arab north African countries Overlap between UN-GGIM: Africa & UN-GGIM: Arab States –Work individually, but cooperate ? –Cooperation between Arab States and International organizations/countries – multilateral agreements – Other options ? Geodetic data sharing (not all data need to be shared) Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges France GPS Permanent Network (RGP) Green: IGN own GNSS permanent stations (22) Orange: IGN Partners’ GNSS permanent Stations (~ 400) ~45 Partners Data analyzed by IGN daily and hourly for some stations Data & Products are publicly and freely available to any user Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges Backup Slides Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges Applied & Precision Geodesy Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges Current networks of Geodetic Observatories VLBISLR GNSS DORIS Source: ITRF Center, hosted by IGN, France Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges Co-location Sites Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges GGRF Roadmap (1/2) Outline of the Roadmap content: Statement of benefit Barriers to improvement of the current situation Outreach before, during and after development of the roadmap Options for the way forward Positioning geospatial information to address global challenges GGRF Roadmap (2/2) Options for the way forward –Implementation of geodetic instrumentation –The associated data analysis –Product generation –Human resourcing (education) –Coordinated policies –Governance –Common standards –Methods and approaches (processes and workflows) –Options for sustainable investment including those made through strategic international partnerships