Mapping Learning Outcomes at MJC
COURSE LEVEL OUTCOMES Connecting course outcomes to higher level outcomes
CLO Course Learning Outcomes
CLO Course Learning Outcomes PLO Program Learning Outcome GELO GE Learning Outcome
PLO Program Learning Outcome GELO GE Learning Outcome CLO Course Learning Outcomes
PLO Program Learning Outcome GELO Program Learning Outcome CLO Course Learning Outcomes GELO Program Learning Outcome
PLO Program Learning Outcome GELO Program Learning Outcome CLO Course Learning Outcomes ILO Institutional Learning Outcomes
PLO Program Learning Outcome GELO Program Learning Outcome CLO Course Learning Outcomes ILO Institutional Learning Outcomes
ADMINISTRATIVE & SERVICE LEVEL OUTCOMES Connecting service outcomes to higher level outcomes
AUO Administrative Unit Outcomes
AUO Administrative Unit Outcomes ILO Institutional Learning Outcomes SAO Service Area Outcomes
AUO Administrative Unit Outcomes ILO Institutional Learning Outcomes SAO Service Area Outcomes
ILO Institutional Learning Outcomes AUO/SAO Administrative & Service Area Outcomes SSLO Support Service Unit Outcomes