Eliseo Lugo III
By the end of class, students will be able to: 1. Explain why totalitarian dictators gained power after World War Describe in detail how Germany, Italy, and Japan embarked on a path of military conquest. 3. Analyze the various methods utilized by the United States to remains neutral in this new world conflict 4. Identify and explain how World War 2 began in Europe.
The Rise of Dictators: Dictatorships arose around the world during the 1920’s- 1930’s as a result of the belief in several nations that democratic governments were too weak to solve their problems. The following four dictators rose to power during this time period: Josef Stalin/Soviet Union Benito Mussolini/ Italy Adolf Hitler/ Germany Hideki Tojo/ Japan
Allies had expected Germany to pay for damages during World War I As a result of the Great Depression, they didn’t have enough money to do this Adolph Hitler, leader of Germany during the 20’s, said Germany had been treated unfairly. Believed only Germans with blond hair and blue eyes were “true Germans” Blamed Jews for many of the problems in Germany.
In 1935 Italy invades Ethiopia In 1937, Japan attacks China Germany continues to rebuild his military, occupy Austria The Allies hoped to appease Hitler to stop him. Appeasement is a policy of giving in to aggression in order to avoid war.
PPolitical party with Hitler in charge GGrew in power and started an army SSoldiers, called storm troopers AAttacked Jewish people and others opposed to Hitler PPut prisoners into terrible prisons called concentration camps.
11933 took control of German government HHitler ruled as a dictator, an all-powerful ruler. RRebuilt Germany’s economy by preparing for another war. BBuilt tanks, guns and other war supplies WWanted to Rule the World
JJapan, Italy, and Germany began taking over other countries. SSept. 1, 1939 Germany invaded Poland BBritish and French leaders had had enough! DDeclared war on Germany on Sept. 3, BBritish and French not able to stop Germany from taking over other countries.
MMany thought we should stay out PPresident Franklin Roosevelt promised to keep up out of the war. PPrepared for attack just in case. 11 st peacetime draft MMen ages had to register SStarted making war supplies
JJapanese invaded Indochina, now what is Cambodia, Laos,and Vietnam AAmerican leaders were afraid Japan would threaten the Philippines and other Pacific islands TThey were RIGHT!
DDecember 7, 1941, Japanese planes attacked Pearl Harbor in the Hawaiian Islands. DDropped bombs on American ships at the Pearl Harbor naval base. IIn less than two hours, Japan had destroyed most of the U.S. Pacific fleet. MMore than 2,000 sailors and 68 civilians were killed.
DDay after the attack at Pearl Harbor PPresident Roosevelt asked Congress to declare war on Japan CCongress declared war that same day. IItaly and Germany, Japan’s allies, declared war on the U.S. three days later.
Axis Powers GGermany JJapan IItaly Allies UUnited States BBritain FFrance
PProduced more and more airplanes, tanks, and other war supplies CCreated new jobs WWorld War II ended the Great Depression WWomen took over many of the jobs PPower of the federal government grew RRationing, or limited what Americans could buy so supplies could be sent overseas.
SSome military leaders distrusted Japanese Americans WWere afraid they would help the “enemy” RRoosevelt orderd 110,000 Japanese Americans into “relocation camps” LLike prisons, fenced in with barbed wire SSoldiers guarded the camps with guns HHad to sell their homes, businesses, and belongings.
MMoved to Utah, California, Arizona, Wyoming, Arkansas, and Idaho HHad to wear identification tags OOver 17,000 Japanese Americans served in Army units even though their friends and families were being locked away by their own country.