Civil War in China When the Japanese had occupied China in 1937, Chinese Communists and Nationalists had worked together Communist under Mao Zedong Nationalists under China’s President, Chiang Kai-shek Once Japan was defeated, cooperation between the Nationalists and the Communists ceased May 1949, Chiang and the remnants of his demoralized government and army fled to Taiwan Containment had failed in China
Koreans Go to War Japanese troops north of the 38 th parallel surrendered to the Soviets Japanese troops south of the parallel surrendered to the Americans By 1949, both the United States and the Soviet Union had withdrawn their troops Each government claimed the sole right to rule all of Korea
North Korea Attacks South Korea June 25, 1950, North Korean troops started the Korean War by invading South Korea UN and South Korean forces were placed under the command of General Douglas MacArthur After a month of bitter combat, the North Koreans had forced UN and South Korean troops into a small defensive zone around Pusan, in the southeastern corner of the peninsula
MacArthur's Miracle Counterattack September 15, 1950 September 15, 1950 Troops made an amphibious landing behind enemy lines at Inchon Troops made an amphibious landing behind enemy lines at Inchon Half of the North Korean troops surrendered; the rest fled back across the 38 th parallel Half of the North Korean troops surrendered; the rest fled back across the 38 th parallel What should happen now? October 7, 1950, the UN General Assembly recommended that MacArthur cross the 38 th parallel and reunite Korea
The Chinese Fight Back November 25 Some 300,000 Chinese soldiers poured across the Yalu River into Korea Seoul was lost for the second time on January 4 th, 1951
Macarthur Recommends Attacking China In early 1951, MacArthur called for an extension of the war into China Truman rejected MacArthur's requests The Soviet Union had a mutual-assistance pact with china Attacking China could set off World War III
MacArthur Versus Truman MacArthur tried to go over the president’s head Truman decided he could no longer tolerate MacArthur’s insubordination “Mr. Prima Donna, Brass Hat, Five Star MacArthur” April 11 th, 1951, with the unanimous approval of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, he relieved MacArthur of his command
Settling for Stalemate The Soviet Union unexpectedly suggested a cease-fire on June 23, 1951 Agreed on two points The location of the cease-fire line at the existing battle line The establishment of a demilitarized zone between the opposing sides