Chapter 10: The Texas Bureaucracy and Policy Implementation
Characteristics of the Texas Bureaucracy Max Weber Bureaucracies organize large numbers of people to carry out tasks for achieving goals. Characteristics of bureaucracies include the following: Size of an organization Size of the budget Division of labor and a hierarchy authority structure Emphasis on specialization and expertise Elaborate rules and standard operating procedures Impersonal relationships with functions of positions
The Growth of Government Employment in Texas Increased Number of State and Local Employees 504,598 state and local employees in 1972, and 1,344,442 in 2007 Higher education, public safety, corrections, and social services make up 82% of state employees. Expansion of programs and state spending $98.1 billion in 2000–01 $182 billion in 2010–11 48 th in per capita spending ($3,703 per person)
Bureaucrats and Public Policy Policy Implementation Conversion of policy plans into reality Interpretation of policy Responsibilities assigned Rules and procedures developed
Bureaucrats and Public Policy Obstacles to Policy Implementation Decisions by policymakers constrain bureaucratic action. Poor legislation and misdirected policies Inadequate funding Implementers may lack know-how or resources. Policies produce unanticipated results. Influence of special interests
Bureaucrats and Public Policy Appointment to State Agencies Boards and commissions filled with people from the industries regulated by the agency Demand for people knowledgeable of the businesses regulated Seek to protect the industries they represent Countered by placing more public citizens on boards and commissions
Political Control and the Responsiveness of the Bureaucracy Legislative Budgetary Control Draft the budget for the legislature Little scrutiny over effectiveness of spending Line items restrict parts of the budget to specific programs.
Political Control and the Responsiveness of the Bureaucracy Performance Reviews Responsibility transferred from comptroller’s office to the Legislative Budget Board in 2003 Recommend spending cuts and ways to eliminate waste and mismanagement
Political Control and the Responsiveness of the Bureaucracy Sunset Legislation Sunset Advisory Commission conducts agency reviews once every twelve years. Review purpose and performance of agency The following recommendations can be made: Abolish Restructure, combine, or transfer agency functions Continue
Political Control and the Responsiveness of the Bureaucracy The Revolving Door Move from government employment to private business Gain experience of and contacts within the industries regulated Reforms in 1975 and 1991 restrict employees from moving immediately into jobs within regulated industries. Move from private business to appointed positions on boards and commissions
Whistle Blowing Laws prevent retaliation against agency employees who report wrongdoing. Little protection actually offered employees Many public workers are still intimidated by supervisors. Lack the financial resources for legal battles with the state Damages limited to $250,000 in lawsuits against the state
Regulation Involves Carrying Out State Policies Economic Regulation Regulate prices, fairness, and competition Licensing of professions Franchising of corporations Allocation and use of natural resources Offer tax breaks and subsidies to businesses Social Regulation Conditions of production as well as the products Workplace safety and consumer protection
Merit Systems and Professional Management History of Political Patronage in Texas Jobs awarded on the basis of friendships and political loyalties Wide disparities in wages and salaries Did not ensure hiring of competent or qualified employees Factors Pushing for Reforms Federal requirements for hiring personnel Protections against job discrimination
Merit Systems and Professional Management Current Texas System Highly fragmented, decentralized, and not a merit-based system Legislature sets personnel policies Job classifications and salary schedules Agencies determine specific personnel practices. Jobs listed with the Texas Workforce Commission Many cities have created merit systems.
Discussion Question Management of the Texas Bureaucracy What techniques are currently in place for management of the state’s bureaucracies? How successful do such techniques appear to be? What changes might be advocated and adopted? Why? What outcomes might be anticipated with the proposed changes in management of the bureaucracy?