JA Our Community Name Title Company
Session 1 People in a Community Work Together 1
2 Community A place where people live, work, play and go to school.
3 Job A type of work for which a person is usually paid. Businesses Places that make or sell things we need or want.
4 Citizens People who live in a community. Need Something you cannot live without. Want Something you would like to have but could do without. Skill Being able to do something well.
5 Lily Finds a Job Like or liked = Good at = Job or jobs =
Community Map 6 Find a… compass rose street bike lane traffic light
Tic-Tac-Toe Three Jobs in a Row 7
Review 8 Today you learned about the many business and jobs in our community. Next session we will more about one business!
Session 2 Sweet “O” Donuts 9
Who likes donuts? 10
11 Goods Items that are bought or sold. Services Work done for others, such as haircuts or car repairs.
12 Produce Another word for make. Product Production Something that is made to sell. The act of making something.
Sweet “O” Donut Production 13 1.Prepare 2.Mix 3.Flavor 4.Check
Defect 14 Something produced with a flaw or mistake.
Innovation 15 A new way of doing something.
Review 16 Why do businesses in a community need to innovate? What would happen if businesses did not come up with new products to sell or new ways to use them?
Session 3 Business and Government Jobs 17
Community Businesses Businesses contribute to a community in two ways. –They provide jobs for the people in the community. –They produce and sell goods and services that citizens need and want. 18
Pay Day! 19 Today you will get a new job in another business in our community! Share the skills and duties needed for your new job.
Problem at Sweet “O” Donut Shop! 20
21 Government Groups of people who manage our cities, states, and nation. Taxes Money that people and businesses pay for government goods and services.
Review 22 Nearly everyone who has a job, buys goods or services, or who owns a business in a real community pays taxes. What does the government do with the taxes they collect?
Session 4 Let’s Vote! 23
Being a Good Citizen 24 What are some things that you can do to show good citizenship at school? What are some things people can do to show good citizenship as part of their community?
Decision 25 To make a choice.
Sweet “O” Donut’s Donation 26 How will our school use the donation? Step 1:What is the decision I have to make? Step 2: What are my choices? Step 3: Time to make a choice. Step 4: Our community in action.
27 Ballot Paper on which a person marks a choice when voting. To make a decision on something important. Vote
Majority 28 How most people voted.
Review 29 We make decisions everyday. Can you give an example of a decision you made today? Did you have to give anything up when you made that decision?
Session 5 Money Moves in a Community 30
31 Bank or Credit Union Bank or Credit Union A business that keeps money safe and lends money to people and businesses. Money Coins and paper bills made by the government.
Money Matchup Game 32 How much is each coin worth? What are other ways to pay for goods and services?
Money Moves 33
Review 34 Why did the money move so much? What would happen if people in a community did not spend money on goods and services?
JA – Our Community Graduation 35