Of Mice and Men Vocabulary 3
Derision to make fun of or treat with contempt; ridicule, mockery His idea was greeted with derision; people laughed at him. syn. scorn, disdain, deride ant. admiration, approval
receptive open and responsive to ideas or suggestions syn. amenable, interested ant. hostile, slow The customer was receptive to what the sales clerk said about the TV and bought it.
The captain scuttled his enemy's ship off the coast, and divers found it years later. A rat scuttled into the shadows. Scuttled To scrap or discard; to run quickly syn. abandon, dispose; scurried, scampered ant. adopt, keep; sauntered
quiver to tremble or shake He quivered with fear. The dog was quivering in the cold. syn. shiver, shudder ant. quiet, stillness
carefully thought out in advance syn. premeditated, intentional ant. accidental, chance Gertrude hitting me with the rock was no accident; it was deliberate!
entranced to fill with delight or wonder; enrapture; under a trance syn. spellbound, rapt, captivated ant. bored, repelled, dismayed Her beauty and intelligence entranced him; he was under her spell.
reprehensible deserving blame or punishment Her bad behavior is reprehensible; no decent person would act like that! syn. disgraceful, shameful, guilty ant. respectable, credible, innocent
bemused perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements; deeply absorbed in thought The teacher was bemused by the fact that no one in the class could answer her question. syn. puzzled, baffled, absentminded ant. enlightened, clear- headed, alert
spectacles pair of eyeglasses My grandfather was always misplacing his spectacles, but they were always in his pocket. syn. pince-nez, specs
syn. worship, veneration ant. contempt, scorn, disrespect deep respect for someone or something The child looked up at his father with reverence.