Monday, March 7, 2016
Announcements Units 4 and 5 this week Tuesday- Reading Quiz Wednesday- CASAS #1
Agenda Warm- Up Reading Vocabulary Grammar Take tests (Ken, Ines, Daniel, Ace…)
Warm up-What did we use to do before…? the electricity was introduced in our homes? The washing machine? The Internet? The TV? The video? Mobile phones? The fridge? The car? The plane? The TV / video remote control?
Reading strategy Guessing the meaning from context. Sometimes, when we see a new word, we immediately go to our dictionaries and lose a lot of time researching the word. A good learner doesn’t always use his or her dictionary. A good learner sometimes guesses the meanings of new words.
Let’s practice Pp. 45 Let’s read this and then guess what these words mean. What does awesome mean? What does collect mean? What does weird mean? What does popular mean? What does memory mean? What does power mean? Don’t write anything down yet.
Let’s check our guesses. Take out your vocabulary logs Awesome (adj)translation Incredible, greatI had an awesome weekend Collect (v) translation To gather, or put together I collect postcards Weird (adj) translation Strange, not normal I had a weird day.
Popular (adj)translation Something that is liked the iPhone is popular By many people Memory (n)translation Something that youI have nice memories rememberof my country
Power (n)translation Being able to control President Obama or direct other peoplehas a lot of power
Reading- Isabel Allende Who is your favorite author?
We use used to + base form to talk about repeated past activities (habits) and situations that are not true anymore. NowFuture Past____X___X___X______________I__________> Activity When Tom was a teenager, he used to go to rock concerts. Does he go to rock concerts now? I used to go fishing.= I went fishing several times in the past. = I do not go fishing anymore. Used to
Past NowFuture ____________________________I________> used to live We used to live in Russia. (We don’t live there anymore). This is a situation. I used to live near the sea.= I lived near the sea for some time in the past. I no longer live near the sea. Used to – Past situation
Time contrast We use used to to contrast the past and the present. Time expressions such as now, no longer, and not anymore emphasize the contrast.
I used to ride my bike everyday, but now I have a car. They used to love rock music, but they don’t listen to it anymore. What do these sentences mean? Past- She used to ride her bike. Present- She rides her bike. X- She uses to ride her bike. But now
When I was a kid, I used to watch Spider Man. My sister didn’t use to watch cartoons. How do you form positive statements with used to? used to + base Does used to change when the pronoun changes? No, used to is the same with all pronouns. How do you form negative statements? Didn’t use to + base
Use to (not used to) comes after did in negative statements and questions. We didn’t use to play video games. He didn’t use to study. What part tells us that this is the past and negative? Did you use to have long hair? What part tells us that this is the past and negative? Negative statements
Never + used to is more common than didn’t use to. We never used to play video games. (more common) He didn’t use to play video games. (less common) He never used to study. He didn’t use to study. Negative statements
Did you use to watch cartoons? What did you use to play? Why is there no –d on use? Because did tells us that it was in the past. In questions, the simple past is more common than did+ use to. Did you have long hair? Did you use to have long hair? Questions
Did you use to watch cartoons when you were a child? How do you form yes/ no questions? did + subject + use to + base Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.
What did you use to watch? How do you form wh questions? Wh- word + did + subject + use to + base
Exercise 2
Would I would visit my grandma every Saturday. She would prepare a special dinner for us. We use would+ base form to talk about repeated actions (habits) in the past that are not true anymore.
I used to play with my brother.=I would play with my brother. We used to have a good time.= We would have a great time. Be careful! Would can’t be used for past situations. (non-actions)
I used to love the power rangers. What is my main verb? Love. Is love an action verb? No. We can’t use would + love I would love cake? What is the meaning of this?
How do you form statements with would? Would + base Does would change when the pronoun changes? No, would stays the same for all pronouns
Telling stories When telling a story, you can begin the first sentence with used to, but then, use used to to give more details or examples. Do not begin a story with would.
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Exercise 8
Speaking practice What kind of student did you use to be? Who used to be your best friend? Where did you use to go on weekends? What sports did you use to practice? What were your favorite games?
Exercise 9
Speed Racer 1) Speed ___________ (be) a restless child. 2) He _____________ (be) easily distracted during the classes. 3) He ____________ (concentrate) during the classes. 4) He _____________ (enjoy) being in the classroom. 5) He _____________ (count) the seconds for the break time. 6) He ____________ (think) about automobile racing all the time. 7) He _____________ (draw) racing cars.
8) His mother __________ (be) called by the school's director to talk about Speed's performance in class. 9) His mother ___________ (agree) with the director. 10) He _____________ (pretend) he was driving a car. 11) He _______________ (be) the first student to leave the classroom when the bell rang. 12) He __________ (leave) the school with his father. 13) His brother _______________ (coach) him how to drive a racing car. 14) He ____________ (drive) racing cars by himself when he was a kid.