“Show me another way…”
Why is it important? Research heavily supports C-P-A Provides built-in differentiation Creates flexibility of thought Thinking can be generalized to novel situations
Abstract understanding is the last to develop: algorithms The deepest understanding comes when students can demonstrate understanding in at least different ways C-P-A
C-P-A Progression “Do not confuse easy with foundational ” Visual images (pictorial) cannot come without fluent understanding of the concrete Students cannot do abstract without being able to visualize the problem first “Can you see it?”
Grade level tasks: K – Model “3 + 7”, showing the progression from the most concrete to the most abstract. 2 - Add: Multiply: 3263 x Multiply: 23 x Multiply: 45 x 24 Look for: Concrete / Pictorial / Abstract solutions. “Show me another way…” Different tools don’t always show different strategies
“Mathematics” or “Mathematizing”