· I had studied at a private high school for six years, I think the stuff which could represent my life before is vending machine. · My definition of a machine : lifeless, doesn’t have its own thought, and all it has to do is follow others’ orders. · Those adults added up together equal to many piles of coins.
· Whenever they threw the coins into my body, I had to make efforts to satisfy their demands. · The most important thing was to study extremely hard in order to achieve the goals that they set up for me. · In my leisure time, I had to practice playing the piano. I have learned playing the piano for more than ten years. · In many other aspects, I also had to be the top one.
· The stuff that could make you know about me is microphone. · The one on the left is for presentations, and the one on the right is for performances. Right now among my college life, I have much more chances to stand on the stage than before. · I also had a few experiences of being a hostess for the welcoming camp and the Freshman English play contest. Although they were tough challenges to me, I had a great time going through these challenges. · Actually, at the very beginning I had serious stage fright. After being trained for several times, now I feel much more comfortable to give presentations on the stage.
(please click on the “Find Your Greatness” below to open the hyperlink)
There were no grand celebrations here No speeches No bright lights But there are great athletes Somehow we’ve come to believe the greatness was reserved the chosen few The truth is greatness is not in one special place and it is not in one special person Greatness is wherever somebody is trying to find it
· The clip was produced from Nike. It was playing for almost a month during the 2012 London Olympic Game on television. Every time I see this commercial I feel like I’m full of strength and power. · This clip is an abstract idea of my future, as it says, “Greatness is wherever somebody is trying to find it, and this would be my first priority among my four-year college life. · In my future, I wish myself to try my best to explore my own potential and to find my own greatness.