Marylhurst University, Shoen Library Chris Wiley, Access Services May 28, 2014 ILL / ALMA Integration
ILL Integration with ALMA ARTICLES: ILL Article Requests involve Clio Request (feature of Clio) and OCLC Worldshare BOOKS: shared with other libraries involve ALMA and Worldshare Books received from other libraries involve ALMA and Worldshare Books returned to other libraries involve ALMA and Worldshare
MU Library Homepage
ILL Article Requests using Clio Request (feature of Clio) and Worldshare
service used for Article requests
Article requests listed in
Article requests retrieved from .
Same list in Clio Request
List of article requests are then delivered to Worldshare
Worldshare ILL Homepage
Article Requests list in Worldshare
Received ILL Book in Worldshare
Updating the item status to received and generating book strap
Resource Sharing in Alma
Adding brief record to Alma Resource Sharing list
Selecting Citation Type
Entering bibliographic information
Selecting Resource Sharing Partner
Adding OCLC Number and Patron Data
Locating brief item in ALMA
Receiving brief item in ALMA
Receiving brief item in ALMA: Item barcode, policy, and notes are set. No due date added.
Item policy options
Item is then scanned in at “Scan In Items” to (auto)print book slip for current hold shelf
Marylhurst University, Shoen Library Chris Wiley, Access Services (503)
An Item policy is set up for incoming and outgoing items sent to and received from institutions.
Physical item policies for ILL: 4hr to 4weeks local checkout