Patrick Henry Speech Something much easier than writing an essay.
Build an essay---Yeah!!! Choose one of the chunks for each of the three types of persuasion. Combine them to make a coherent 5 paragraph essay on how Patrick Henry is effective in using ethos, logos, and pathos. Choose one of the chunks for each of the three types of persuasion. Combine them to make a coherent 5 paragraph essay on how Patrick Henry is effective in using ethos, logos, and pathos. Since the gathering of ideas are already done for your grade will be determined by only three things: Since the gathering of ideas are already done for your grade will be determined by only three things: 1. Embedding your quotes 2. Effective topic sentences and concluding sentences 3. Writing a strong introduction and conclusion
Ethos-choose one of these chunks CD Henry begins by asserting one can disagree with Britain’s view of the situation in the colonies,“…different men see the same subject in different lights.” CD Henry begins by asserting one can disagree with Britain’s view of the situation in the colonies,“…different men see the same subject in different lights.” CM: Light represents truth and spiritual illumination. CM: Light represents truth and spiritual illumination. CM: He associates his view that the colonists must fight with God’s truth and God’s purpose, an idea he develops throughout the speech. CM: He associates his view that the colonists must fight with God’s truth and God’s purpose, an idea he develops throughout the speech. CD: “It is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at the truth and fulfill the great responsibility we hold to God and our country.’ CD: “It is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at the truth and fulfill the great responsibility we hold to God and our country.’ CM: He connects himself with the truth as a Christian and makes an appeal to ethos connecting his cause with the authority of God. CM: He connects himself with the truth as a Christian and makes an appeal to ethos connecting his cause with the authority of God. CM: God is on the side of the colonists in their fight for freedom. CM: God is on the side of the colonists in their fight for freedom. CD: Henry considers silence at this point an act of treason to his country and an act of “disloyalty to the majesty of heaven” which he reveres more than “all earthly kings.” CD: Henry considers silence at this point an act of treason to his country and an act of “disloyalty to the majesty of heaven” which he reveres more than “all earthly kings.” CM: God and King George III are both kings, but God has majesty above the king. CM: God and King George III are both kings, but God has majesty above the king. CM: God has greatness of character, while King George III has only a position of authority. CM: God has greatness of character, while King George III has only a position of authority.
Ethos-choose one of these chunks CD Henry begins by asserting one can disagree with Britain’s view of the situation in the colonies,“…different men see the same subject in different lights.” CD Henry begins by asserting one can disagree with Britain’s view of the situation in the colonies,“…different men see the same subject in different lights.” CM: Light represents truth and spiritual illumination. CM: Light represents truth and spiritual illumination. CM: He associates his view that the colonists must fight with God’s truth and God’s purpose, an idea he develops throughout the speech. CM: He associates his view that the colonists must fight with God’s truth and God’s purpose, an idea he develops throughout the speech. CD: “It is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at the truth and fulfill the great responsibility we hold to God and our country.’ CD: “It is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at the truth and fulfill the great responsibility we hold to God and our country.’ CM: He connects himself with the truth as a Christian and makes an appeal to ethos connecting his cause with the authority of God. CM: He connects himself with the truth as a Christian and makes an appeal to ethos connecting his cause with the authority of God. CM: God is on the side of the colonists in their fight for freedom. CM: God is on the side of the colonists in their fight for freedom. CD: Henry considers silence at this point an act of treason to his country and an act of “disloyalty to the majesty of heaven” which he reveres more than “all earthly kings.” CD: Henry considers silence at this point an act of treason to his country and an act of “disloyalty to the majesty of heaven” which he reveres more than “all earthly kings.” CM: God and King George III are both kings, but God has majesty above the king. CM: God and King George III are both kings, but God has majesty above the king. CM: God has greatness of character, while King George III has only a position of authority. CM: God has greatness of character, while King George III has only a position of authority.
Ethos- Write a topic and concluding sentence for this chunk. TS: TS: CD Henry begins by asserting one can disagree with Britain’s view of the situation in the colonies, “…different men see the same subject in different lights.” CD Henry begins by asserting one can disagree with Britain’s view of the situation in the colonies, “…different men see the same subject in different lights.” CM: Light represents truth and spiritual illumination. CM: Light represents truth and spiritual illumination. CM: He associates his view that the colonists must fight with God’s truth and God’s purpose, an idea he develops throughout the speech. CM: He associates his view that the colonists must fight with God’s truth and God’s purpose, an idea he develops throughout the speech. CS: CS:
Logos- choose one of these chunks CD: Henry compares the “gracious reception of our petition” with preparation for war; and asks the rhetorical question, “Are fleets and armies necessary to a work of love and reconciliation?” CD: Henry compares the “gracious reception of our petition” with preparation for war; and asks the rhetorical question, “Are fleets and armies necessary to a work of love and reconciliation?” CM: There can be no other reason for these measures, Henry concludes except to declare war and force the colonies into submission. CM: There can be no other reason for these measures, Henry concludes except to declare war and force the colonies into submission. CM: Having no other enemies in this part of the world, Henry concludes that the British armies and navies can be only mean they are preparing to fight. CM: Having no other enemies in this part of the world, Henry concludes that the British armies and navies can be only mean they are preparing to fight. CD: Henry proposes the idea that the colonists have tried everything possible to avert war; they have “ held the subject up in every light…but it has all been in vain.” CD: Henry proposes the idea that the colonists have tried everything possible to avert war; they have “ held the subject up in every light…but it has all been in vain.” CM: He uses inductive logic to show how fighting for freedom is the only choice left to the colonists. CM: He uses inductive logic to show how fighting for freedom is the only choice left to the colonists. CM: To remain hopeful is to be deceived; there is no room to hope for peace, given all the colonists have attempted. CM: To remain hopeful is to be deceived; there is no room to hope for peace, given all the colonists have attempted.
Logos- choose one of these chunks CD: Henry compares the “gracious reception of our petition” with preparation for war; and asks the rhetorical question, “Are fleets and armies necessary to a work of love and reconciliation?” CD: Henry compares the “gracious reception of our petition” with preparation for war; and asks the rhetorical question, “Are fleets and armies necessary to a work of love and reconciliation?” CM: There can be no other reason for these measures, Henry concludes except to declare war and force the colonies into submission. CM: There can be no other reason for these measures, Henry concludes except to declare war and force the colonies into submission. CM: Having no other enemies in this part of the world, Henry concludes that the British armies and navies can be only mean they are preparing to fight. CM: Having no other enemies in this part of the world, Henry concludes that the British armies and navies can be only mean they are preparing to fight. CD: Henry proposes the idea that the colonists have tried everything possible to avert war; they have “ held the subject up in every light…but it has all been in vain.” CD: Henry proposes the idea that the colonists have tried everything possible to avert war; they have “ held the subject up in every light…but it has all been in vain.” CM: He uses inductive logic to show how fighting for freedom is the only choice left to the colonists. CM: He uses inductive logic to show how fighting for freedom is the only choice left to the colonists. CM: To remain hopeful is to be deceived; there is no room to hope for peace, given all the colonists have attempted. CM: To remain hopeful is to be deceived; there is no room to hope for peace, given all the colonists have attempted.
Logos- Write a topic and concluding sentence for this chunk. TS: TS: CD: Henry proposes the idea that the colonists have tried everything possible to avert war; they have “ held the subject up in every light…but it has all been in vain.” CD: Henry proposes the idea that the colonists have tried everything possible to avert war; they have “ held the subject up in every light…but it has all been in vain.” CM: He uses inductive logic to show how fighting for freedom is the only choice left to the colonists. CM: He uses inductive logic to show how fighting for freedom is the only choice left to the colonists. CM: To remain hopeful is to be deceived; there is no room to hope for peace, given all the colonists have attempted. CM: To remain hopeful is to be deceived; there is no room to hope for peace, given all the colonists have attempted. CS: CS:
Pathos- choose one of these chunks… you get the idea. CD: “I consider it nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery.” CD: “I consider it nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery.” CM: “It” refers to the colonists need to fight for freedom.; he uses this either/or logical fallacy; either they fight the British or they will be enslaved. CM: “It” refers to the colonists need to fight for freedom.; he uses this either/or logical fallacy; either they fight the British or they will be enslaved. CM: Here he creates an emotional response of fear and indignation in his listeners, as they were white landowners who more than likely owned slaves themselves. CM: Here he creates an emotional response of fear and indignation in his listeners, as they were white landowners who more than likely owned slaves themselves. CD: If the colonists refuse to act and engage in “illusions of hope” and “listen to the song of that siren” Britain will “transform [them] “into beasts.” CD: If the colonists refuse to act and engage in “illusions of hope” and “listen to the song of that siren” Britain will “transform [them] “into beasts.” CM: Henry concedes that it is natural to be hopeful, but the king’s promises provide only false hope. CM: Henry concedes that it is natural to be hopeful, but the king’s promises provide only false hope. CM: Believing the king means sacrificing freedom, allowing themselves to be dehumanized as the siren Circe d dehumanized Odysseus’s crew when she turned them into pigs. CM: Believing the king means sacrificing freedom, allowing themselves to be dehumanized as the siren Circe d dehumanized Odysseus’s crew when she turned them into pigs.
Build an essay---Yeah!!! Choose one of the chunks for each of the three types of persuasion. Combine them to make a coherent 5 paragraph essay on how Patrick Henry is effective in using ethos, logos, and pathos. Choose one of the chunks for each of the three types of persuasion. Combine them to make a coherent 5 paragraph essay on how Patrick Henry is effective in using ethos, logos, and pathos. Since the gathering of ideas are already done for your grade will be determined by only a few things. Since the gathering of ideas are already done for your grade will be determined by only a few things. 1. Embedding your quotes 2. Effective topic sentences and concluding sentences 3. Writing a strong introduction and conclusion
Summary of what to do. Choose a chunk from each column. Choose a chunk from each column. Write a topic sentence and a concluding sentence for each of those chunks. Write a topic sentence and a concluding sentence for each of those chunks. Write an introduction Write an introduction Should include who, what, where, when, and why Should include who, what, where, when, and why Include a thesis showing how Patrick Henry is effective in using ethos, logos, and pathos in his speech. Include a thesis showing how Patrick Henry is effective in using ethos, logos, and pathos in his speech. Write a conclusion. Write a conclusion.