Reception will be leading the Easter Service tomorrow in church at 9:15am- we’ve been working really hard and would love you to be there. Stay and Play- Mon 25 th, Tues 26th and Fri 29 th April. Please sign up for a session if you haven’t already done so.
Mrs Davies Group Working on orally blending and segmenting. Slowly being introduced to the letters that sounds make. Starting to use these letters to read words. Starting to use these letters to spell words. Starting to use these to read simple captions in their reading books. E.g. map, dog, cat.
Mrs Gorman’s Group Know all the single letter sounds for reading. Need support when writing letters when spelling. Are using these very well when reading phonically decodable texts. If words repeat in the text- can they begin to recognise them rather than sounding out each time- especially common words such as and, dad, it, on. Learning a wider range of tricky words for reading e.g. he, she, we, was. Spelling tricky words for writing e.g. I, the and to. Starting to learn the digraphs- where 2 letters make 1 sound e.g. ch, sh, ai, ee.
Mrs Andrews’ Group Have been introduced to all the digraphs and trigraphs- where 2/3 letters make 1 sound e.g. ai, oa, ear, igh. Now working on applying these within their reading and writing. Hopefully soon move to phase 4 where they will move to reading and spelling words with 4 or more sounds e.g. milk, crash. More tricky words for instant recognition e.g. come, some, said.
As we enter the summer term teaching and observations focus on helping children to achieve the Early Learning Goals. At the end of June we will make a judgement as to whether your child has met the Early Learning Goals in all 17 areas of learning. These will be reported to you in the end of year report. (Emerging, Expected, Exceeding) We use a range of evidence for this including your views through orbit, wow moments and homework tasks.
Making relationships- forming positive relationships, taking turns, working with others. Self confidence and self awareness- showing confidence through speaking and playing. Trying new things. Managing feelings and behaviours- following rules, coping with changes.
Listening and attention- listening and responding well to conversations in class, groups and when playing. Understanding- following instructions with several ideas. Answer ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions. Speaking- express themselves well in a range of contexts. Past, present and future.
Moving and handling- move with control in a range of ways, safely in space. Handle equipment and tools well- pencils for writing. Health and self care- healthy eating, keeping themselves safe. Manage dressing and toileting independently.
Reading- read and understand simple sentences. Apply the sounds and tricky words from phases 2 and 3. (Yellow book band) Writing- use knowledge of sounds and tricky words from phase 2 and 3 to write a sentence.
Numbers- Numbers to 20. Add and subtract with numbers to 10. Doubling, halving and sharing. Shape, space and measure- Everyday language for size, weight, capacity, time, money. Describe patterns, shapes and objects.
To achieve a Good Level of Development children must meet the Early Learning Goals in: Personal, Social and Emotional Development Communication and Language Physical Development Literacy Mathematics
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