SEPTEMBER 2015 Parents’ Information Meeting
What I will cover Transition phase Reading Phonics Writing Maths Our topics Homework School website
Transition phase Safe, happy and excited Play-based learning continued Child led Use of outside area Small groups/one-to-one Develop independence
Reading New Home-School Communication books Read at least once a week with an adult in school Guided reading with teacher - Term 2 or 3 Aim to read 5 times a week at home First 100 keywords-following on from Reception, highlighted in reading records by member of staff
Reading Move up levels when assessed by teacher Decoding unfamiliar words using pictures, phonics and context Developing fluency and expression Comprehension Awareness of punctuation
End of year expectations
How to help your child with reading... Ownership of book – child’s responsibility Finger following each word “What could you do to help you read that word?” Sounding out the words out loud Ask questions about what they have read Reading to them- enjoyment of books-different genres Books with no words Change books on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays
Phonics Screening Nationally reported for all Year 1 children 40 phonetically decodable words Some real, some made up Tests accurate segmenting & blending without support With class teacher – try to make it fun so they are not aware they are being assessed Example...
Phonics Screening Score will be shared in end of year report If children don’t meet the threshold, they take the test again in Year 2 To help: Children can use their robot arms Made familiar with ‘alien’ words Pronouncing sounds correctly
Writing Simple sentences – complex sentences Applying phonic skills to unknown words Capital letters, finger spaces and full stops used correctly Awareness of other types of punctuation - ? !, Conjunctions - and, but, because... Spellings – send home in Term 2, tested weekly. Apply in their writing Letters formed correctly – cursive script in Home- School Communication book
End of year expectations
Big Writing Started in Reception Friday mornings – after half term Sustained writing Completely independent Exciting stimulus - talk for writing Lighting/pencils/music VCOP- Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers & Punctuation
Our Topics Towers, Tunnels and Turrets (History focus) Muck, Mess and Mixtures (Science focus) Bright Lights, Big City (Geography focus) Wriggle and Crawl (Literacy) Beachcombers (Geography) Moon Zoom (History)
Homework Spellings - new spelling lists, linked to phonics + common exception words Reading at least 5 times a week Online programs – Phonics play, Bug Club, Active Learn Primary After Christmas- topic related/Maths/Literacy in preparation for Year 2 Show and tell only on a Friday - topic related Please ensure your child brings in their PE kit at the start of every term. Include a jumper/trousers in the winter. Please label all items of clothing