Introduction : The source of these rules is article 309 of the Constitution of India which provides that “Acts of the appropriate legislation may regulate the recruitment and conditions of service of persons appointed to public services and posts in connection with affairs of the Union or any State”. Such rules intended to regulate the conduct of Govt. servants employed in the affairs of the State of Orissa came into force on the 7 th day of April, Conduct and character do not mean one and the same thing. Conduct means the way one acts or is required to act. Character means the pattern of behavior or personality found in an individual or group. It means the traits and qualities in an individual which help in building up a complete personality.
Salient points : (i) There are thirty four rules which touch upon economic, social, political and religious activities of a Govt. servant. (ii) The rules are mostly restrictive to nature; restrictions being imposed with a view to ensuring honesty, efficiency and quality of administration and also to enhance the position and prestige of the Govt. (iii) A Govt. servant has not only responsibilities in relation to his own activities, conduct and behavior out this responsibility also extends to members of his family in some cases. (iv) Violation of these rules will result in disciplinary action.
Definition of family : (i) Wife (ii)Child or step child whether residing with him or not. (iii)And if she is a woman the husband residing with her and dependent on her and (iv) Any person related whether by blood or marriage and wholly dependent on him or her But does not include (i) wife or husband separated from the Govt. servant (ii) Child or step child no longer dependent on him or her or whose custody the Govt. servant is deprived of by law.
“Dos” : Rule-3 : (a) Absolute integrity (b) Decorum of conduct and (c) Devotion to duties Rule-4 : Every Govt. servant shall at all times carry out the orders and act according to the instructions of his superiors in so far as his official duties are concerned. Rule-20 : A Govt. servant has to avoid habitual indebtedness or insolvency.
“Don’t s” : Rule-3 : Personal immorality which means vicious habits relating to drink, sex and gambling. Failure to discharge duties properly. Rule-5 : Taking part in politics. During Election : Canvassing Interference in any manner Use of influence Taking part directly Display on his person, vehicle or residence of any electoral symbol Rule-6 : Connection with Press or Radio.
Exception : Contribution to any newspaper or periodical purely on a literary, scientific and artistic subject and of occasional character. Rule-7 : Criticism of Govt. Rule-8 : Strike : Strike in any form (including hunger strike) with a view to ventilating grievances, is prohibited. Rule-11 : Unauthorised communication of information : Rule-14 : Gift : Acceptance of gift, either directly or through any member of family from any person who is not a close relation of the family, is prohibited. Permission of Govt. will be necessary before such acceptance.
Rule-14-A : Dowry : No Govt. servant shall :- (a) Give or take or abet the giving or taking of any dowry or (b) Demand directly or indirectly from the parents of the bride or bridegroom, as the case may be, of any dowry. Rule-17 : Private Trade or Employment. Rule-21 : Movable, immovable and valuable property: Without the previous knowledge of the prescribed authority no Govt. servant shall acquire or dispose of any immovable property by lease, mortgage, purchase, sale, gift or otherwise either in his own name or in the name of any member of his family or a benamidar. If any such transaction has been conducted otherwise than through a regular or reputed dealer previous sanction of the prescribed authority will be necessary.
Rule-24 : Bigamous marriages. Rule 24-A Drinking: A Government servant shall strictly abide by any law relating to intoxicating drinks or drugs in force in any area in which he may happen to be for the time being. Rule-25: Employment of Government Servant outside his Normal Duties. We have before us a written Code of Conduct but there is an unwritten Code found in the heart of every person. We have to find out, experience and visualize this unwritten Code. Only then we will find it extremely easier to follow any Code of Conduct prescribed for us.