Background Notes for the Odyssey Homer’s Epic Poem
Who was Homer? The Greeks believe he was a blind poet, or singer He lived somewhere in Greece in the 8 th century B.C. He is the credited author of the epic poems the Iliad and the Odyssey
What is an epic? A long, narrative poem which tells a story and celebrates the deeds of legendary heroes Characteristics: -Traditionally begins in medias res, in the middle of things -Is episodic, or divided into books (rather than chapters or scenes) -Involves the supernatural, usually gods -Provides archetypal characters (the Hero, the Son, the Wife) Examples of epics: -The Iliad and the Odyssey by Homer -The Aeneid by Virgil -Beowulf
What is an Archetype? The recurring patterns of characters, symbols, and plots found in various stories, myths, and religions are called archetypes. Character Types: Hero, Temptress, Mother, Devil, Traitor, Wise Man (old) GN7Pg GN7Pg
What is an Epic Hero? The central character, or hero, of an epic. He has qualities that are superior to those of most men, yet he is very human. Odysseus is the epic hero in The Odyssey.
What do heroes teach us? The hero’s quest helps us understand our own journey through life. The hero is a social icon that represents the values important to a society.
Characteristics of a hero Imposing in statue (physical or social) Their style is grand, yet simple The setting of their story is vast Super-human courage and strength Faces supernatural forces
The Hero’s Journey BIRTH: The hero comes from humble origins. INITIATION: The hero discovers that he has a special calling. THE QUEST: The hero sets out on a journey which is both physical and spiritual. The hero will face temptation, and have obstacles to overcome and a foe to vanquish. A mentor may help him/her achieve the goals. THE JOURNEY HOME: The hero achieves his goal, then returns home where his exploits are celebrated. matthew-winkler
What was the background of the Trojan War? Helen, Queen of Sparta, ran off with Paris, a Prince of Troy Her husband, Menelaus, banded the Greeks together and attacked Troy The war lasted ten years because the walls of Troy were impenetrable
The Trojan Horse To get into Troy, Odysseus, who had spent ten years fighting, came up with the idea to construct a huge wooden horse and hide men inside it. The Trojans thought it was a gift from the Greeks and brought the horse into the city. Much partying ensued. The Greeks emerged from the horse, attacked Troy, and won the war.
What is the Odyssey about? The Odyssey relates incidents that happened about 1200 B.C. (written in 8th century B.C.) Odysseus (Latin: Ulysses) is King of Ithaca Odysseus has been wandering for ten years after the Trojan War, so he has been gone for twenty years Poem begins in medias res – in the middle of the action
Why is Odysseus a hero in trouble? He offended Poseidon (and he has to SAIL home!). Odysseus is being held on an island by Calypso. Telemachus, Odysseus’ son, is at home in Ithaca, in Greece, trying to fend off men who want to marry his mother, and rob him of his inheritance. Odysseus is searching for balance, for inner peace.