How Websense works in the real world A presentation by David Rawle and John Tait
Agenda and Aim o The Aim o To show what Websense can do for your business with a series of real-world examples o Agenda o Web Filtering o Web 2.0 Filtering o Remote User Filtering o Reporting o DLP
This is a Live Lab Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions
Question 1 o “Product vendors are all telling me we can use their products to consolidate the technology we have to manage. Is Websense still a best of breed Web Filtering product or has it forgotten its roots?”
Question 2 o “I need to be able to offer granular blocking of Web 2.0 applications to the business. Can Websense do this just as well as the basic web filtering?”
Question 3 o “Websense seems able to provide a comprehensive solution for Web filtering and Web 2.0 filtering. How do I apply that policy to my users whether they are in the office or not?”
Question 4 o “How do I go about monitoring and reporting on what my end users are doing whether they are in the office, on the road or working from home?”
Question 5 o “So Websense can deal with all of my Web Filtering requirements but what about ?”
But what about DLP?
Scenario We have a lab with “sensitive” data on it. Lets see how we can monitor and block it
DLP Scenario 1 An end-user wants to get some “sensitive” data out of the organisation so decides to it to themselves.
DLP Scenario 2 Having found their to themselves didn’t arrive our end-user decides to send it to themselves with their Gmail account
DLP Scenario 3 Having found they cannot upload the data via or Gmail our end user decides to copy the data to a USB device on their laptop
DLP Scenario 4 Having failed in their other attempts our end-user decides to take a screen grab of the data and it to themselves
Any Questions?
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