NMSC Daytime Cloud Optical and Microphysical Properties (DCOMP) 이은희
NMSC DCOMP COD (Cloud Optical Depth) CPS (Cloud Particle Size) LWP (Liquid Water Path) IWP (Ice Water Path) Observing System Overview Algorithm Description Test Datasets and Outputs Practical Considerations Assumption and Limitation
NMSC Products Generated COD : vertical optical thickness between the top and bottom of a cloud column : independent of wavelength in the visible range : no unit CPS : the cloud droplet distribution : cloud effective radius : unit = micrometer (μm) LWP/IWP : the total mass of water in a cloud column. : unit = g/m 2
NMSC Products Generated Daytime : the solar zenith angle is less than or equal to 65 degree : To fill a temporal gap between DCOMP and NCOMP degraded products for solar zenith angles between 65 and 82 degrees Nighttime : solar zenith angles greater than or equal to 90 degrees : algorithm use channels 7,14,15 Cloud Mask : clear, probably clear, probably cloudy and cloudy
NMSC DCOMP requirements specifications
NMSC Instrument Characteristics GOES-R ABI : spatial resolution - IR ~ 2km - VIS ~ 0.5km : Important new feature μm channel for better particle size retrieval Proxy data : SEVIRI(MSG) : ABI 2(0.62 μm) and 6(2.26 μm) channels
NMSC Algorithm Overview COD & CPS characterize the impact of clouds on the energy and radiative budget of the Earth. So, they are used to parameterize clouds in global climate models, are critical to improving climate models Knowing CPS and COD also enables retrievals of the amount of water within the cloud This value into LWP and IWP to correspond with the dominant water phase in the cloud
NMSC Algorithm Overview DCOMP is based on earlier methods from VIS and NIR [Nakajima and King, 1990,1992] - COD : use absorption-free wavelengths VIS, is determined by the amount of light scattering by cloud droplets - CPS: use an absorption solar channel (NIR), is mirrored in absorption amount of clouds - Radiance reflectivity, To avoid an overestimation of shortwave channels, where the solar irradiance is bigger than for longer wavelengths
NMSC Algorithm Overview RTM is used to solve the forward problem. : t, q profile satellite sensor signals (simulating the transfer of solar radiation) Optical properties from satellite radiances is the inverse problem. 1D-var optimal estimation approach. Solving the RT equation for a single-layered, homogeneously distributed cloud above a Lambertian surface. The current COD/CPS algorithm is implemented in the NOAA/NESDIS AIT processing framework.
NMSC Processing Outline Required GOES-ABI products : cloud mask, cloud top press., cloud phase Also needs 2 kinds of LUTs :The cloud LUTs - reflection, transmittance, cloud albedo, cloud spherical albedo tables :The ancillary data LUTs : coeff. to estimate transmission in cloud-free layers for ozone and water vapor.
NMSC Flow-chart The actual DCOMP retrievals 1. First segments: testing the channel settings and loading all LUTs and the coeff. for WV correction in memory. 2. Each segment: validity test and the aliasing of the framework parameters to local pointers ( validity test: reject pixels a) outside valid sensor and sun angle range b) cloud-free, c) no valid cloud press. or cloud phase) 3. Correct atmosphere for upper layer by estimating the real top of cloud reflectance, by adjusting the TOA measurement, by estimating a virtual surface albedo 4. Observation vector y ( input of inversion of the optimal estimation technique with a modified surface albedo) => COD/CPS 5. LWP, IWP will be calculated from COD/CPS pair
NMSC Flow-chart
Basic Considerations Cloud radiation in the shortwave range of IR spectrum are a function of cloud optical depth and cloud droplet distribution n(r) [Hansen and Travis, 1974] By using R instead of L – avoid an overstimation of shortwave channels Cloud optical depth can be expressed
NMSC Basic Considerations [Stephens, 1978], [Bennartz, 2007] [Heymsfield,2003]
NMSC Radiative Transfer Calculations
NMSC Atmospheric correction Rayleigh scattering Aerosol scattering effects Water Vapor Absorption and ozone
NMSC Optimal Estimation Inversion Technique
NMSC Flow-chart The retrieval loop - iterative 1D-var optimal estimation(OE) technique 1. Definition of a priori values of the state vector and observation & atmospheric state covariance matrices. 2. The cost will be calculated for each iteration step. 3. Find the minima value on a cost surface function 4. If the cost falls below a pre-defined threshold, the solution is found and the retrieval loop will end. Otherwise, if a maximal number of iterations is exceeded, no solution could be found (not converged)
Algorithm Input Primary sensor data
NMSC Ancillary Data : land mask, Surface clear sky reflectance (Albedo) snow mask, NWP data, LUT
NMSC Algorithm Input Derived data : cloud mask – determine which pixels are cloudy or cloud free : cloud top pressure – determine the amount of absorber mass by WV above the cloud for atmospheric correction : cloud phase – determine which LUT, ice or water are used for forward model calculations. : snow mask – flagging each pixel as snow or clear ( 11μm BT > 277K, then turn off)
NMSC Algorithm product Output Data product - 2 float-typed datasets: cloud optical depth, cloud effective radius - format: HDF-4 Output - Liquid water path or Ice water path for each pixel Quality flag - 0: Valid, good quality converged retrieval - 1: Not valid, quality may be degraded due to snow or sea ice sfc. - 2: Not valid, degraded quality due to twilight conditions ( 65° < solar zenith angle < 82° ) - 3: Invalid due to cloud-free condition - 4: Invalid pixel due to being outside of observation range - 5: Invalid pixel due to missing input data - 6: Invalid pixe, DCOMP attempted but failed retrieval
NMSC Output Processing information flag
NMSC Metadata Day/Night flag Mean, Min, Max and standard deviation of cloud optical depth Mean, Min, Max and standard deviation of cloud particle size Number of QA flag values For each QA flag value, the following information is required: - Number of retrievals with the QA flag value - Definition of QA flag Total number of detected cloud pixels Terminator mark or determination
NMSC Test Data sets Simulated/Proxy Input Datasets: : SEVIRI observations (provided by SSEC Data center) : SEVERI SRF function(from EUMESAT) : RTM, LUT design, inversion technique are identical.
NMSC Output from Simulated Datasets
NMSC Quality flag - 0: Valid, good quality converged retrieval - 1: Not valid, quality may be degraded due to snow or sea ice sfc. - 2: Not valid, degraded quality due to twilight conditions ( 65° < solar zenith angle < 82° ) - 3: Invalid due to cloud-free condition - 4: Invalid pixel due to being outside of observation range - 5: Invalid pixel due to missing input data - 6: Invalid pixel, DCOMP attempted but failed retrieval
NMSC Precisions and Accuracy Estimates Cloud optical parameters are difficult to validate. Because cloud optical thickness is a radiative property, it is not possile to validate from in-situ measurements. Validating DCOMP products 1. Direct comparison with MODIS : precision & accuracy estimate 2. For liquid water cloud, the use of passive microwave retrievals from AMSR-E and SSM/I 3. A-TRAIN measurements- identify aerosol layer 4. Inter-comparisons with SEVIRI product, additional quality check - consistency check for new algorithm.
NMSC Inter-comparison with Products of Other Research Group GOES ABI algorithm was compared with its SEVIRI counterpart at the EUMESAT workshop in Ascona, Switzerland in February Strict pixel-base 1:1 comparison for all cloud products CMS,OCA-EUMESAT, DLR-German Aerospace Center, UKM-UK Met Office, GSF-Godard official products
Caused by underestimating of a-priori error.
NMSC Error budget of DCOMP
NMSC Practical considerations Numerical computation consideration - run the algorithm on a 200 scan-line basis to avoid memory issue. - run for full SEVIRI scene in under five minutes Programming and Procedural consideration - Fortran 90, 1 fortran module+subroutine, include file - pixel by pixel algorithm - Global values were avoided as much as possible. - Use pointer variables for ouput. Quality Assessment and diagnostics - Missing/No data - Cloud-free - Cloudy, but no convergence - High value of cost function
NMSC Exception Handling If the MODIS surface albedo is missing, use a default value(for land surface) of 0.15 If NWP data are missing, we will use a default water vapor profile. Algorithm validation – Mainly MODIS comparison
NMSC Assumptions and limitations Assumptions for performance 1. NWP data/ current 6 hourly GFS forecast are available 2. surface albedo values form MODIS are available 3. All of the static ancillary data are available at the pixel level 4. Channel 2 is available 5. Channel 6 is available No product improvements planned at the moment
NMSC Find a minima of cost function