Introduction to eHealth eHealth Workshop February 18-19, 2009
e-Health is the electronic collection and secure sharing of health information so that clinicians can provide the best care, and people can take better care of themselves and their families. - Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care What is eHealth? 6/13/2016 2
The application of Internet and other related technologies in the healthcare industry to improve the access, efficiency, effectiveness, and quality of clinical and business processes utilized by healthcare organizations, practitioners, patients, and consumers to improve the health status of patients. - Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society What is eHealth? 6/13/2016 3
eHealth can encompass a range of services that are at the edge of medicine/healthcare and information technology: ▫ Electronic Medical Records ▫ Telemedicine ▫ Consumer Health Informatics ▫ Health Knowledge Management ▫ Virtual Health Care Teams ▫ mHealth ▫ Grids for Medical Research - Wikipedia What is eHealth? 6/13/2016 4
Key Points of Service: Provincial and Territorial Health Systems Diagram from FNIHB Documentation
Electronic Medical Record (EMR) ▫ An electronic medical record (EMR) is a medical record in digital format. - Wikipedia Electronic Health Record (EHR) ▫ An EHR is a secure, digital record of your medical history, stored and shared via a network of EHR systems. - Infoway Launch Video Definitions 6/13/2016 6
Personal Health Record ▫ A personal health record or PHR is typically a health record that is initiated and maintained by an individual. An ideal PHR would provide a complete and accurate summary of the health and medical history of an individual by gathering data from many sources and making this information accessible online to anyone who has the necessary electronic credentials to view the information. - Wikipedia Definitions 6/13/2016 7
OntarioMD is providing incentives for physicians in FHTs to automate medical charts Canada Health Infoway is developing an Electronic Health Record that links clinics, hospitals, pharmacies and other points of care. Google Health and Microsoft HealthVault have been introduced to manage PHR Ontario has established eHealth Ontario to manage and drive eHealth activities in Ontario Obama administration passed the stimulus bill which included $19B for implementation of Electronic Medical Records in physicians’ offices eHealth Developments 6/13/2016 8
Political Will Incentives for Stakeholder Buy-In Technical Standards Operational Infrastructure Regulatory Framework, including Privacy/Security Challenges 6/13/2016 9
Janet Gordon, SLFNHA Director of Clinical Services (Project Lead) (807) Donna Williams, KOTM Program Manager (800) x1303 Questions? 6/13/