E. Planning and Preparing to Manage a Small Business Identify ways to maximize employee performance Explain human resources management in a small business.
Ways to Maximize Employee Performance Provide meaningful work. Allow scheduling flexibility. Involve employees in decision-making. Provide for employee recognition. Evaluate performance.
Provide Meaningful Work Employees who are motivated by their work take pride in it and derive a level of satisfaction. A job must offer a range of duties and responsibilities. Job enlargement: Adding more tasks of the same skill level. Job enrichment: Giving employees more responsibility and control.
Scheduling Flexibility Allowing employees to plan and manage their own schedules sends a message of trust. This can lead to an increase in productivity. Forms of flexible scheduling Telecommuting Family leave Flextime
Involve Employees in Decision- Making Gives employees a strong sense of purpose Allows employees to see their own ideas put to work Management-by-objective: Gives the employee a chance to set his/her own objectives and gauge his/her own progress. Work teams: Give employees an assigned task to complete as a group with little supervision and with the responsibility for the results.
Provide Employee Recognition Daily informal praise Credit for a good idea or useful suggestion Plaques or awards at meetings or banquets Financial incentives Special assignments or promotion opportunities
Performance Evaluation Formal evaluations are usually completed once a year. Reviews should be completed in a private meeting with the employer. Evaluate strengths, weaknesses, and provide feedback for improvement. Informal evaluations may be done frequently. Evaluations can be motivational and provide the basis for pay increases and promotions.
Evaluation Forms Performance factor evaluation: Focuses on personality traits important to the job. Job specific evaluation : Measures effectiveness in carrying out job duties and responsibilities. Management-by-objective evaluation : Assesses progress toward individual objectives. Combination evaluation