Library Arts A Scavenger Hunt Game By Leonela Lomeli
Introduction The purpose of this game is to engage players into becoming familiar with the collections from both libraries: the Music Library and the Arts Library. Before the game begins, players need to learn the book arrangement found in each library shelf. Each library contains 3 main collections Each collection has 3 shelves Items are arranged in alphabetical order Questions are designed to teach players how to locate items in both libraries, as well as to put them in their proper place.
1.Look at the sample below and become familiar with the book arrangement. 2. To answer a question, the following format should be used: collection name + shelf number (Ex. Instrumental, 3) 3. Books series are always together and in groups of 3 4. White boxes mean empty spaces A K L S T Z Book Collection Shelf # 1 Shelf # 2 Shelf # 3 Instructions
Let’s Play! The first library is the Music Library. You will be asked to find items in accordance to their subject relevance and author/composer last name.
Music Library Collections A K L S T Z Classical A K L S T Z A K L S T Z Instrumental Jazz 1.Find a book about Mozart _______________________ 2.Find a book about B.B. King ______________________ 3.Find a book about Woodwinds ___________________ 4.The Saxophone series is misplaced. Find it and put it in the right collection: a.Where did you find the series? _____________________ b. where is the original location? _________________ 5. Works by Beethoven can be found two collections: a.________________________ b. ____________________
Let’s Play! Now, we will visit the Art Library. Let’s see how you do on this area. At the end of the game, you will be able to see your answers and see how many you got right, good luck!
Art Library Collections A K L S T Z Artists A K L S T Z A K L S T Z Instructional Photography 1.Find a book on Portraits _______________________ 2.Find a book about Claude Monet ______________________ 3.Find a book on Chisels ___________________ 4.What collection (and section) can add more books?____________________________ 5.Someone removed the 2 nd book from the series “Drawing Faces”. Library staff found it at the very end of one of the other collections. a. Where was the book found?_________________________ b. What is the original location?_____________________________.
Thank you for Playing! If you will like to see The answers, go check out my post. Leonela Lomeli