Welcome to Biology Dan Knowles
Memory: fold paper in thirds Write down all the items you remember How many did you remember? What kept you from remembering things? Write down the items you remember the second time Higher number remembered? Focused attention? Studying small batches of info instead of all at once 3 rd time: items named and discussed, then make list What helped you remember this time?
Curriculum Fall Semester Digestion/Biochemistr y Plants Ecology SpSpring Semester Spring Semester Cells/Transport Genetics/Biotecnhnol ogy Evolution
Materials for Biology Spiral Notebook, college ruled, 1-subject 3-ring binder, 1 ½ in. Pencil and paper Class-shared item (depends on pd.)
What do grades represent? Why do we need them? What do each of the grades A-F mean? Grading Policy
Biology Grading Scale A – Advanced Proficient - Student has masterful understanding of the standard and can critically apply the standard. B – Proficient - Student has satisfactory understanding of the standard. C – Partially Proficient - Student has basic, moderate understanding of the standard. D – Not Proficient - Student has very limited understanding of the standard. F – Not Proficient - Student has no understanding of the standard.
Grading Policy All assignments and test sections are 12 points: % A % B % C % F 1 – 52% F % A % B % C % F 0 – 50% F % A % B % D Categories are weighted: Prep and practice (Participation, homework) ~10% Formative (Labs, quizzes, projects)~40% Summative (Unit tests)~35% Final~15%
Textbook reading and note- taking skills We use an online textbook. Pearsonsuccessnet.com Username – first last Password – knowles(period #)