Biology 1-2 Mrs. Smith Fall Semester
Syllabus Scavenger Hunt Work in groups of 3-4 (I will assign & facilitate). Introduce yourself to your group members. You have 15 minutes to answer the first 16 questions as a group. #7. Zero Questions 17 & 18 are to be answered individually! Scavenger Hunt is due Wednesday, August 12 after the quiz!
Contact Information Website: Office Hours: Room 2201: By appointment, before or after school Chat: Monday – Friday 7am – 4pm
Welcome Welcome to Biology 1 Common Core Literacy Next Generation Science Standards College Preparatory Course Academy of Science & Medicine FREE peer tutoring
Syllabus Keep your syllabus in your Biology binder! Many questions you have about this course are covered and answered in the syllabus.
Critical Thinking School focus All classrooms, every day Science: Participation (questions!) Continued Learning Growth Activities Writing Tests/quizzes Labs Etc.
Literacy Scientific Literacy Read Research Computer with internet access Write Revise
Textbooks Biology by Kenneth Miller & Joseph Levine Keep your copy at home, where you will be completing your Continued Learning Growth Activities Put a cover on your textbook!
Progress Report Print Outs Directions will be provided in class. 5 week progress report: Wednesday, September 09 1 st Quarter Grades: Tuesday, October week progress report: Tuesday, November 10 Final Grades: Wednesday, December 09
Test Correction & Reflection Completed after every test (and some quizzes). If your score on the assessment is below 65%, you will need to get a parent/guardian signature.
Unit/Concept SketchNotes/Doodle Completed for each unit/concept Illustrates & summarizes everything you know and have learned Synthesize information from ALL resources: notes, readings, videos, lab activities, etc.
Topics/Schedule Questions? Your Biology Manual is a good indicator topics and activities we will do in class for each unit/concept set.
Behavior Expectations Crescenta Valley Code of Behavior for Students Foster, Sustain, Promote, and Respect the Learning Process! Use common sense!
Classroom Policies Questions? Clarification? If you finish your class assignment(s) early: Continued Learning Growth Activities Work for another class Reading material NO electronic devices!!!
Consequences 1. Friendly reminder (except severe infractions) 2. Seat change or stand 3. Reflection sheet & next steps to improve 4. Parent/Guardian contact & referral to administration
CVHS Academic Honesty Policy Will be available online soon. Basically, any work you do for this class (and any other class at CVHS) must be your own. You may not take credit for another person’s academic and intellectual property. Specific examples in syllabus! Questions? Ask if you need clarification for any specific assignment/event!
CVHS Cell Phone/ Electronic Device Policy Available at You may use your electronic devices during snack, lunch, and before/after school. Electronic devices are to be OFF and PUT AWAY during class time. IF there is an academically appropriate time to use your electronic device (smart phone), I will let you know.
Suggested Materials Responsible students will have the following ASAP. Tomorrow is awesome, Monday, August 17 th latest. Pencils, eraser, pens (blue or black), LOTS of notebook paper (lined, not torn from a spiral notebook) Post-it style notes (3 X 3 recommended) 3-ring binder (2” recommended) Biology Manual* Take Good Notes! Coloring Pencils, correcting pens, highlighters Students are expected to come to class prepared to learn.
Late/Tardy Policy Questions? Clarification? Lates/Tardies WILL affect your grade. Don’t be late/tardy!! See handout. Sign up now, if possible. If not possible to sign up now, sign up tonight!
Seating Assigned my me. If you have a seating preference, you need to let me know ASAP (use the syllabus signature page). Assume the seat you are I now will NOT be your seat next week. Seats will change occasionally for the entire class.
Grading Policy Everything you do for/in this class will receive an assessment score of some kind. Final grade=total points earned / total points possible Extra Credit: assignments, due dates, and points possible posted in class and on website
Make-up Policy Excused Absence Number of school days absent = number of days to compete and turn in missing assignments. Missed test/quiz? By appointment before OR after school. NOT snack! NOT lunch! What did you miss? Biology Resources worksheet (Due Monday, August 17, beginning of class) peer contact information
Late Work Late work will be deducted 50% of total score. Late work will be accepted until last week of each grading period. Same day Progress Report Print Outs are due! Excessive late/missing assignments will negatively affect your grade. DON’T FALL BEHIND!
Suggestions for Success Questions? Clarification?
Suggestions for Parents Please share this list with your parents/guardians tonight!
Read Box at bottom of page 6 of 8
Fill Out Student Name Signature Period Date
Home/School Compact Student Pledge Read Sign Signature page (pages 7 & 8) is DUE, filled out & signed by you (student) and your parent/guardian TOMORROW!