The effect of stratospheric sulfur from Pinatubo on the oxidizing capacity of the troposphere Narcisa Bândă Maarten Krol Thomas Röckmann Twan van Noije Michiel van Weele 10 May 2011
OH - the tropospheric oxidant OH Source – ozone photolysis ( O 3 + hv 2OH ) Sink – reaction with CH4, CO, NMHCs, etc + H 2 O CH 4 Source – Emissions (natural, anthropogenic) Sink – reaction with OH ( NO 2 + hv NO + O 3 ) + O 2
SO2 aerosol SW UV Decrease in photolysis stratosphere troposphere
OH - the tropospheric oxidant OH Source – ozone photolysis ( O 3 + hv 2OH ) Sink – reaction with CH 4, CO, NMHCs, etc + H 2 O CH 4 Source – Emissions (natural, anthropogenic) Sink – reaction with OH ( NO 2 + hv NO + O 3 ) + O 2 JO 3 JNO 2
Model setup TM5 global chemistry model 3x2, 60 levels ECMWF ERA-Interim meteorology fields Aerosol module M7 coupled to photolysis M7 setup as recommended in Kokkola et al. 2009: no soluble coarse mode, accumulation mode σ=1.2 instead of 1.59 no tropospheric aerosols 18.5 Tg SO 2 emitted in the grid-cell containing Pinatubo on 15 th June 1991 between km The effect on photolysis in the period June-December 1991: no Pinatubo with Pinatubo, without SO 2 absorption with Pinatubo, with SO 2 absorption
Injection km Injection km TOMS SO 2 plume evolution SO 2 lifetime: 36 days (MLS: 33 days, TOMS: 25 days)
Sulphate aerosols Aerosol size (14-20 N) TM5 SAGE II
Effect on photolysis rates and OH at the surface SO 2 absorption on 22 June 1991 Aerosol scattering on 1 December 1991
Effect on photolysis rates and OH at the surface Aerosol scattering SO 2 absorption
Effect on photolysis rates and OH Average profile change 30S-30N due to aerosol scattering and SO 2 +OH Average profile change 0-30N due to SO 2 absorption SO 2 +OH
Tropospheric CH 4 sink Total: 0.9 Tg Total: 6.7 Tg
Conclusions The evolution of the SO 2 and sulphate aerosols can be modelled reasonably well The effect on global OH is less than 1% for SO 2 and 3% for aerosols, with larger effects regionally This results in decreases in the CH 4 sink of 1 Tg and 7 Tg respectively in the first 6 months after the eruption Future work: Improve plume evolution (injection height) Look at a 2-year period Study the effects of stratospheric ozone depletion, climate change after Pinatubo on OH, CH 4 (see Banda et al. ACP 2013) TM5 + EC-Earth
OH - the tropospheric oxidant OH Source – ozone photolysis ( O 3 + hv 2OH ) Sink – reaction with CH 4, CO, NMHCs, etc + H 2 O CH 4 Source – Emissions (natural, anthropogenic) Sink – reaction with OH ( NO 2 + hv NO + O 3 ) + O 2 JO 3 JNO 2
Acknowledgements Philippe le Sager (KNMI) Jason Williams (KNMI) Joost Aan de Brugh (SRON) Jeroen van Gent (BISA) Ulrike Niemeyer (MPI-M) NWO SSiRC