The Italian Renaissance
Masaccio 1 st full use of perspective in perspective in painting painting
Leonardo da Vinci
Raphael’s portrait of Baldassare Castiglione Baldassare Castiglione
Heraclitus – looking like Michelangelo Hypatia of Alexandria Averroës/Ibn Rushd Euclid Diogenes Pythagoras
Five apostles on a Chartres doorjamb.. IRC unitedstreaming. 15 February 2007 Michelangelo?s David.. IRC unitedstreaming. 15 February 2007 The face of Donatello's bronze David.. IRC unitedstreaming. 15 February 2007
Citation (MLA) Map, Italian city-states in the Renaissance, IRC unitedstreaming. 15 February 2007 Gattamelata (ca. 1450) by Donatello.. IRC unitedstreaming. 15 February 2007 A bust of Leonardo da Vinci at Clos Luce, France.. IRC unitedstreaming. 15 February 2007 A panorama of Florence viewed from north.. IRC unitedstreaming. 15 February 2007