Farhin Al Masud
What is Raspberry PI? o Low cost, credit card sized computer o SOC (System on a chip) o Founded by Raspberry PI foundation o Low power consumption o Linux based 2
How it was founded? Started in 2006 To make an affordable computer for students First model was based on Atmel ATmega644 microcontroller 3
Features Broadcom BCM2835 chip (A, B, B+, Zero) BCM2836 (Pi 2) ARM processors are used Audio and Video output HDMI SD slot USB and Ethernet ports 4
Features (cont…) GPIO pins Programming languages- Python (main), C, PERL etc Can be added with I2C interface Workable from -40 degree to 86 degree centigrade 5
How it works? Like other computers Boot OS 6
Raspberry Pi 1 model A+ Replaced original model A in 2014 More GPIO (40 pins) One USB port 512MB RAM SD slot Low power- between 0.5W and 1W Audio circuit incorporates low-noise power supply. Model A+ is approximately 2cm shorter than the Model A No Ethernet port Cost $25 7
PI 2 model B+ 4 USB 2.0 ports Micro SD slot 10/100 Ethernet 512 MB RAM 1 GB RAM (PI 2 model B) Quad core processor (PI 2 model B) Cost $35 8
PI 3 1.2GHz 64-bit quad-core ARMv8 CPU n Wireless LAN Bluetooth 4.1 Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Cost $35 9
PI Zero 1Ghz, Single-core CPU 512MB RAM Mini HDMI and USB On-The-Go ports Micro USB power HAT-compatible 40-pin header Composite video and reset headers Cost $5 10
Implemented ideas Home automation system Drone Game and video server Voice controlled screen Fortune telling machine Security web cam Robots Multimedia player Control sprinkler system 11
Thank you 12