DPRA Is a reading strategy that will… -help you answer questions accurately! -help you find answers in text easier!
D stands for… Directions! The first thing you should do before completing EVERY assignment is READ THE DIRECTIONS!
P stands for … Preview! Even before you read you need to preview the text. Look at/read: The title, headings, bolded vocabulary words, any pictures or charts and finally, the questions!
R stands for … Read! Now you get to read finally! Make sure that you are underlining or highlighting answers to questions as you are discovering them in your reading.
A stands for … Answer! Your last step is to answer the questions. Go back and look at what you underlined/highlighted! Remember- if you are doing a written response, you need to use key words from the question in your answer and write complete sentences full of details!
Mnemonic A mnemonic to help you remember DPRA is… D irty P igs R oll A round