CSU and the Next Generation Learning Challenge RFP: Four weeks to the finish line. Who wants to run the race?
Agenda Overview of NGLC Opportunity –Goals and alignment with CSU –RFP process and running an organizational 440 relay Beginning with the Have’s and Have Not’s –NGLC focused on adopting existing exemplary practices –What are some of our existing exemplary practices that have irrefutable evidence that they work? Have campuses who don’t use these practices but want to? Establishing Next Gen Relay Teams Running Through the Finish Line: Project Management Processes
PROGRAM GOAL: Dramatically increase college readiness and completion by fostering the development and adoption of technologies that enable more flexible, high-quality learning experiences for all students. PROGRAM TRACKS: The Basics –Blended Learning: 8 one-year grants at $250K eachBlended Learning –Deeper Learning: 8 one-year grants at $250K eachDeeper Learning –Learner Analytics: 8 one-year grants at $250K eachLearner Analytics –Open Core Courseware: 8 one-year grants at $750K each + $5M follow upOpen Core Courseware Next Generation Summary
November 19, 2010 is the First Finish Line Online submission process What’s Our Race Plan? –Week 1: Build Teams for each Race –Week 2: Teams Draft Proposals – Practice Running –Week 3: Teams Review Proposals – Watch “the films” –Week 4: Run Through the Finish Line What’s Our Support For the Runners? –Elluminate for Virtual Meetings –MERLOT Voices- Social Networking ToolsMERLOT Voices- –ATSC+Beth Ambos+ ? Provide “facilitation and support” Running a 440 Relay
Virtual Meeting using Elluminate –Tuesday Oct 26 – 2:00-4:00 pm –Friday Oct 29 – 8:00-10:00 am Review NGLC- but expect everyone to know RFP –Exemplary practices produce student success –NGLC focused on adopting existing exemplary practices Identify “THE HAVES” – Exemplary Practices –Brief overview by campus staff on their practices that have irrefutable evidence of success –Moderated, improvisational presentations Week 1: Build Teams and Define the Projects
Defining Projects: –Chico – eAcademy program &Transforming Course Design) – Blended Learning and Learning Engagement –San Marcos (+) Math remediation Curriculum (ALEKS + other curriculum + student support services) + EAP + Early Start – Learning Analytics + Learning Engagement –Noyce Scholars: Teacher Ed and virtual labs can be models used in lower division STEM classes- Blended Learning + Learning Engagment+OER –Fresno Red Balloon Project – Improving student writing using ETS Criterion and faculty development for the improvement of CLA scores Week 1: Build Teams and Define the Projects
Defining Projects Continued –Moodle Analytics - learner analytics (John Whitmer –Grad Initiative strategies –Affordable Learning Solutions – use of no/low cost instructional content in place of textbooks –Accelerator Classes (16 to 8 week class) by Louisiana Board of Regents Week 1: Build Teams and Define the Projects
Identify “THE HAVENOTS” – Who wants what the HAVES got? –We need to have a basic description of the exemplary practices in order for people to decide to adopt the practice –The HAVE’s need to fill out and post the “Project Briefing” so HAVENOTS can choose the team to join Use MERLOT Voices Discussion Forums for the HAVES and HAVENOTS to “socially” network and to post and review the “Project Briefings”MERLOT Voices Week 1: Build Teams and Define the Projects
Teams left on their own to “practice” Teams provided a “project briefing template” to help them scope their project. If they need to schedule a virtual meeting session, check with a partner or Gerry Hanley If they have questions about MERLOT Voices, contact Gerry Hanley If they have questions about grant administration, contact Beth Ambos If they don’t have questions, I’d get worried Week 2: Drafting Proposals
By Monday Nov 8– 11:59 pm PDT –CSU Teams need to post a “project briefing” in CSU-Next Gen Voices discussion forum By Thursday Nov 11, ATSC will voluntarily review proposals that are posted on Voices and provide feedback to support the proposals. Nov 12 at 4 pm : All Hands Virtual Meeting: –Review what projects will be run –Last opportunities to reshuffle team members –Ready to start grants administrators engagement Campus administration CO facilitating campus efforts Week 3: Finalizing Teams and Races
By Friday November 19, 2010, 5 pm PDT –CSU Team Leaders post proposal on EDUCAUSE Website By Friday November 19, 2010, 5:01 pm PDT –CSU Team Leaders consuming mind and mood altering substances of their choice Week 4: Run Through the Finish Line
Discussion, Comments, Questions