Welcome to Sixth Grade with Mrs. Lee and Miss Robinson Session 1 ~ 5:30-6:15 Session 2 ~ 6:15-7:00
School Rules Responsible Respectful Safe E
Playground supervision begins at 8:15 AM Breakfast begins at 8:00 AM Students walk around on the playground, unless they are eating breakfast or dropping of musical instruments to the stage School Arrival
Any medicine (including cough drops, pain relievers) must be distributed through the nurse’s office Students may NOT carry these with them Medical form is on fusion site Medication at School
Snack 1:55- 2:00 Snacks- Healthy Quick and easy No candy, cookies, chips, snack cakes Snack Friday- PTO Water Bottles – water only Nutrition Services
Birthday Treats Optional Individually portioned please Allergies Please let us know in advance Snack time is 1:55. Recess is 2:25 Exempt from Nutrition Services
Writing Workshop Model Lucy Calkins (expectations) At least two handwritten pages in journal in 30 minutes 20% Spelling, 20% Grammar and Mechanics, 60% Writing Workshop
Math Everyday Math curriculum Homework Monday- Thursday most weeks If homework gets frustrating, stop and practice on math facts. Write me a note on the homework.
Reading Workshop Model Homework Reading Log 20 minutes Monday through Thursday Due Friday or Monday 5 points for each entry
NOT a grade Reading goals will be discussed at school and must be approved by parents Most will choose AR points to track goals Book-It Reward for Reading Logs PTO has quarterly award for meeting Reading Goals Accelerated Reader (AR)
Social Studies (Lee) Mesopotamia Ancient Egypt Ancient Greece Ancient Rome Medieval Europe Science (Robinson) Engineering, Technology, and Applications of Science Structures and Properties of Matter Chemical Reactions Forces and Interactions Energy Waves and Electromagnetic Radiation
Grading and Honor Roll A – 90 to 100%4 Advanced B – 80 to 89%3 Proficient (meets the standard) C – 70 to 79%2 Basic D/F – 69 and below1 Below Basic Principal’s Honor Roll – All As and all 3s and 4s (every subject including specialists) Honor Roll – As, Bs; 3s; and nothing below a B or a 3 in any area SPORTS ELIGIBILITY (No Ds or Fs) Band/Orchestra
Make Up Work Workshop for Reading and Writing Teachers will send what can be done at home Student Responsibility Three days to talk to teacher about missing work One school day per day absent to complete work
Planners Only homework will be recorded If needed for communication, signing of planner will be considered on an individual basis
Communication Classroom website (Visit then go to Freedom and finally “Class Website” for a link to your child’s classroom) Website is current Lisa Lee Katherine Robinson
Other Important Items Lunch Money Students pay in the morning or at lunch Cell Phones- off and in backpack upon arrival to school Sign in sheet
If you have any questions, please call or . Open communication = Sixth Grade Success Let’s make it the best year for your children!