ISIS OPTIMVS NEVTRONVM SPALLATIONENSIVM FONS ORBIS TERRARVM RAL Front End Test Stand — Context David Findlay Accelerator Division ISIS Department Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
2 2 Front End Test Stand (FETS) aimed at future high power proton and H — accelerators (HPPAs) High power = megawatt-class HPPAs for neutron spallation sources neutrino factories transmutation facilities accelerator driven power reactor systems tritium production
3 3 Justification for working towards HPPAs? Four reasons:European policy UK policy CCLRC/PPARC policy ISIS policy Essentially spallation neutron sources and neutrino factories Synergy
4 4 ESS ~€1B
5 5 MW neutrons for Europe ~€500M UK contribution Neutrino factory ~€1B UK contribution
6 6 Front End Test Stand supported by
7 7 Underpinning ISIS ~£30M/year Front end test stand would become front end of new ISIS linac
8 8 HPPAs — expensive So suitable R&D essential “ESS” bid to FP7 expected May/June 2007 Likely to be long-pulse linac — UK provide front end? Upgrade to ISIS Probably cheapest route to MW neutrons — front end issues Synergy between neutron and neutrino applications Key element of support for front end test stand CERN test stand Specific, not generic test stand. Also less self-sufficient
9 9 Time lines ESFRI: ESS first users ≥2017 RCUK: MW neutrons, £25–50M/year from 2009–10 Neutrino factory, £25–50M/year from 2011–12 Consistent with 2007–10 for second half of FETS
10 Key points about HPPAs High power is difficult Imperative to keep beam losses low (~1 W/m) ISIS only ~0.2 MW, but ×2 beam losses would make life very difficult (2–3 mSv annual dose limit) Need good quality beam Space charge issues significant Implies beam chopper necessary even if no rings involved Need to control transients — RF and target issues Implies beam chopper very desirable
11 Need to demonstrate high quality working beam chopper Requires front end test stand Implies ion source, LEBT, ~3 MeV RFQ, diagnostics, RF,... Excellent progress achieved during 2004–07 On all fronts — as will become evident Looking forward to finishing the job during 2007–10
ISIS RFQ test standFront end test stand ISIS RFQ test stand
RAL test stand cf. CERN test stand Operationally proven ion sourceIon source from DESY / RAL Proven 3-solenoid LEBT2-solenoid LEBT Building 3 MeV RFQSaclay IPHI 3 MeV RFQ — should be ready Dec-06 Chopper pulser already provenChopper pulser not yet proven Tuneable deflector not yet builtMeander line deflector built Comprehensive laser-basedDiagnostics? beam diagnostics Successor to proven test standMajor time scale and location changes Substantial local involvementInsufficiently local support Firmly fixed at RALMoving to Saclay, then Linac4 preinjector