Saint Mark the EvangelistSaint Mark the Evangelist
Faith PerspectiveFaith Perspective In order to recognize Jesus, we must view his actions and hear his words with the eyes and ears of Faith What does this mean?
Perception What do you see?
Perception Now what do you see?
Perception In Mark’s Gospel, Jesus is many times misperceived.
“Are you willing to have faith and let me show you the way? Will you follow me?”
On a piece of paper …On a piece of paper … Answer: What does this passage mean and how can we apply its meaning to your life?
Mark 2:17Mark 2:17 Those who are well do not need a physician, but the sick do. I did not come to call the righteous but sinners.”
Mark 8:34Mark 8:34 “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.”
Mark 3:35Mark 3:35 “For whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother.”
Mark 9:35Mark 9:35 “If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all.”
Mark 9:23Mark 9:23 “Everything is possible to one who has faith”
Mark 14:38Mark 14:38 “Watch and pray that you may not undergo the test. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”
Which one of the passages do you think is most difficult to put into practice and why?
Background on Mark’s Gospel Date Purpose Key details of Marks Gospel
For ReflectionFor Reflection A major component of the Gospel of Saint Mark is that his writings were for those Christians who were being persecuted across the Roman Empire, either by the Romans or the Jews. According to Saint Mark, Jesus was the Messiah for the persecuted and oppressed. In your opinion, who is currently being persecuted in modern American society? Who is doing the persecution? Who do you believe is the voice of those being persecuted in the U.S. and why? (RECENT NEWS ITEMS: The 99% & Penn State)
Who Was Saint Mark?Who Was Saint Mark? According to Catholic tradition, the author of the Gospel of Mark was John Mark, a traveling companion of Saint Paul and Saint Peter. A popular myth, however, is that John Mark was actually the son of St. Peter. St. Paul mentions John Mark in one of his letters, as do a few early church historians. An important fact is that Mark did not PERSONALLY walk with Jesus, know Jesus or witness His ministry.
More on St. MarkMore on St. Mark St. Mark was more than likely a Christian who came from the Jewish tradition and/or background. His Gospel was written sometime between AD. It is the earliest acknowledged Gospel that has been written. The audience was Gentile Christians who were suffering persecution -- either by the Romans (lead by Emperor Nero, who had St. Peter martyred in AD) or by Jews during the First Revolt against Rome in Jerusalem before the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD.
St. Mark’s InspirationsSt. Mark’s Inspirations Mark drew upon several different sources for inspiration: Hebrew Scripture Oral Traditions about Jesus, which possibly included Peter’s first-person testimony. Written collections of the parables. Miracle stories & sayings of Jesus The Passion Narrative The destruction of THE TEMPLE in 70 CE
Why Was It Written?Why Was It Written? A major theme in Mark’s Gospel is for the readers to remain faithful to Jesus, who himself suffered and died for them. According to Mark, Jesus was not only the Son of God, but the Son of Man. Jesus suffered and walked the way of the cross (remember: Jesus was authentic!) Most importantly, Mark links the suffering of the Passion to the glory of the Resurrection (the paschal mystery). Thus suffering is essential for salvation.
Mark 1:12-13Mark 1:12-13 Explain this brief but powerful encounter? Why would the (Holy?) Spirit drive Jesus out into the desert? Why the desert? Who is Present there? What do you know of Satan & angels? WHY is this SCENE FIRST in the Gospel of Mark?
Mark 1:14-15Mark 1:14-15 Mark reveals Jesus to be an authoritative teacher right from the beginning of his Gospel. How does the previous scene in the desert have bearing on this scene? How does he have or earned authority? What does Jesus proclaim?
Two Essential QuestionsTwo Essential Questions St. Mark continually poses two essential questions regarding Jesus Christ to his readers: First: “Who is this person?” Second: “Will you follow?”
The EMOTIONAL JesusThe EMOTIONAL Jesus The Gospel of Mark portrays Jesus and a variety of HIS emotions and emotional reactions and moments!
Mark 1:14-20 The Circus Begins Jesus’ first PUBLIC saying in GALILEE “The time is fulfilled, and kingdom of God (K of G) has come near; repent, and believe in the good news (=Gospel)! What is the GOOD NEWS? Jesus of Nazareth = the Christ = the Messiah
Mark 1:14-20 The Circus Begins THE GOOD NEWS? JESUS of Nazareth = the Christ = the Messiah
Mark 1:14-20 The Traveling Circus Jesus is from the COUNTRY and preaches, heals, teaches, to COUNTRY FOLK! AND He is ALWAYS traveling or on the move: --Sea of Galilee; Region of Galilee; Capernaum; To the sea; Nazareth; Bethsaida; Fame and word of mouth quickly gets around everywhere, even to the BIG city of Jerusalem! You have CITY folk coming to visit the circus!
Mark 1:14-20 The Traveling Circus Jesus is from the COUNTRY and preaches, heals, teaches, to COUNTRY FOLK! And part of the Circus show is his Groupies!
The 12 Apostles They are as integral to the WHOLE story! Jesus is not a SINGLE figure, but connected with and through the 12 apostles who are country folk as well! COMMUNITY
The 12 Apostles Mark 1:16-20 The First Calling Simon and Andrew (fishermen) “Follow ME” Immediately they say YES! What do they leave behind???
The 12 Apostles Simon (who Jesus changes his name to PETER) Being #1 or first chosen, has particular significance! “Follow ME” Peter? (Matt. 8:14)
The 12 Apostles Mark 3: Country Folk Poor Not Scholars Commoners
The 12 Apostles What they are Given to DO: To be WITH Jesus Honored with the title of Apostles Preach the Good News Authority to Cast out Demons
Two Essential QuestionsTwo Essential Questions St. Mark continually poses two essential questions regarding Jesus Christ to his APOSTLES: First: “Who is this person?”=? Second: “Will you follow?”=YES
The 12 Apostles All too Human Jesus and HIS BFF’s: Nobody makes Jesus more angry, frustrated, upset than the 12! They are afraid, they ALL betray him, they don’t understand Jesus and what he is saying! BUT They show immense courage, dedication, sacrifice and in the END, are truly the first disciples!
Your BFF(s) homework Assignment for Tuesday December 6,2011 Write a letter to a friend(s) Dear _____ Reflect on the history of the friendship! Why are or were you friends? Characteristics Things you have been through both good & bad…
Your BFF(s) homework Examine what you have in common? Milestones, Moments, an experience that confirmed your friendship? Particular challenges, or hardships?
Tuesday, December 6thTuesday, December 6th LETTER IS TYPED! 1-2 Pages 1 PICTURE of YOU and YOUR FRIEND(S) Will be in CHAPEL! 25 pts
Jesus The Authoritative TeacherJesus The Authoritative Teacher According to Mark, Jesus taught with Authority. Using examples and previous knowledge about Jesus, what examples can you come up with that demonstrate Jesus was an authoritative teacher?
Here’s a starting point when thinking of your examples: Authority generally means: The right to command Someone with official power The source of reliable information The ability to gain the respect of others and influence what they do Knowledge, skill or experience worthy of respect
The 5 Major ConflictsThe 5 Major Conflicts Jesus claimed that he could forgive sin. Jesus’ table fellowship; socializing with outcasts. Jesus’ not fasting according to the strict obligations of Jewish law. Jesus freely interpreting the meaning of eating customs on the Sabbath. Jesus healing people with chronic disease on the Sabbath.
Jesus’ Miracles & HealingsJesus’ Miracles & Healings In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus’ miracles are intimately related to His proclamation of the Kingdom: Jesus successfully battling the forces of evil. This proves that even in Jesus’ public ministry, God’s Kingdom is actively present. Jesus’ miracles prove that salvation is taking place right now. Moreover, forgiving sin by backing up his words with a healing is a powerful and convincing sign of Jesus’ identity as God’s Son. Faith and repentance both play major roles.
The Human JesusThe Human Jesus Of all the Gospels, Mark focuses the most on the humanity of Jesus. In Mark’s Gospel, Jesus displays a wide array of human emotions, in a wide variety of situations. The human side of Jesus presented by Mark can also be described as compassionate and loving.
Jesus The Suffering Servant Jesus The Suffering Servant As the Paschal sacrifice, Jesus makes himself the model of strength and hope for his followers, especially for those who underwent rejection for remaining faithful to Him and His teachings. Mark’s message is clear: Whomever follows Jesus must be prepared to suffer as Jesus himself suffered. However, his disciples did not truly understand the message of Jesus; they were confused about Jesus and His meaning.
The Journey to Jerusalem Mark 8:27-16:20
Suffering? Suffering is essential for salvation? HOW? REDEMPTIVE SUFFERING
For DiscussionFor Discussion “He began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer greatly and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests and the scribes, and be killed, and rise after three days. He spoke this openly. Then Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. At this he turned around and looking at his disciples, rebuked Peter and said, “Get behind me, Satan. You are thinking not as God does, but as human beings do.” (Mark, 8:31-33)
For ReflectionFor Reflection “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and that of the Gospel will save it.” (Mark 8:34-35)