HIE ISOLDE commissioning of the cryogenic control system installation at CERN. LNL-INFN 22/07/2015 Dr. Marco Pezzetti (CERN )
ISOLDE Isotope Separator OnLine Device
The High Intensity and Energy (HIE) ISOLDE project is a overall upgrade of the ISOLDE facility at CERN. Consists in a superconducting linear accelerator of radioactive ion beams to study the nuclear physics. Involves a increase of the intensity and energy in the beam and an improvement of its quality and flexibility.
In order to achieve this energy, 32 superconducting RF cavities and 8 small solenoids, grouped in six cryo-modules (4.5 K), will be installed. To comply with the project requirements it is necessary a new Cryo-station. Such is comprised of a compressor, coldbox and a distribution unit.
CP + CB + Distribution unit CBCB CPCP DWDW JB 5 JB 6 JB 4 JB 3 JB 2 JB 1 RMRM Exp. Hall 170 CM6CM5CM4CM3 CM2 CM1
List racks/cabinets QSR1H-EM12 = 199 QSR1H-EM35 = 199QSI1H-QYE21 = 199 QSC1H-EM02 = 198 QSK1H-QYC31 = 199 QSC1H-QYC01 = 198 QSC1H-EM03 = 198 Exp. Hall 170 QSR1H-QYC11 = 199 QSK1H-QYC32,33,34,42,43 = 199
B KV Motor Booster High-stage
Gas inlet Female rotor Male rotor Gas outlet Casing Radial bearing Input Shaft Hydraulic Cylinder Slide valve Oil
Compressor Stepper Compressors 1 & 2 detail Buffer 1 & 2
Pressure preparation Step 20 Compressor Regulation start request Step 30 CP START Step 40 CP normal run Step 50 CP stopping Step 60 <20%
B. 199
Main characteristics of cryogenic equipment for HIE ISOLDE: Equipment Unit Value Cryoplant: (ex-LEP ALEPH plant) Compressor suction (MPa) Compressor discharge (MPa) 1.4 Nominal throughput (g s -1 ) 160 Cooling power at 4.5 K 630 W & 1.5 g/s liquefaction 2700 W at K Storage: (m 3 STP) 2440 Gas storage at 1.4 MPa (m 3 ) 160 Gas bags + buffer at 0.1 Mpa (m 3 ) 200 Helium Pumping Group: Suction pressure (kPa) 1.54 Discharge pressure (MPa) Nominal throughput (g/s) 2.0
Vacuum System for CB Diffusion pump To pump out the high vacuum insulation spaces in the CB, transfer line and cryostat, two vacuum systems are needed. In the case of the CB it generates high vacuum using a rotary pump (primary) & diffusion pump. With this combination we get =~ mbar
Cold Box
Transfer line
To meet the project needs, Six Cryo-modules, split into two families, will be installed. 4 x 2 x High βLow β 5 RF Cavities & 1 Solenoid 6 RF Cavities & 2 Solenoid Total: 32 superconducting RF cavities & 8 solenoids High βLow β
B. 170 Project phase 3
Current status of the project: phase 1. To be tested in the SM18-M9 over the next months.Currently in operation status at 4.5K. Test in SM18-M9 In position, B.170
Dewar Transfer line + Jumper Box RM Cryomodule Current leads Vacuum CP CB
Cabled signal Profibus PA SC LT FIP
Profibus PA FIP
Profibus PA FIP
Profibus DP Cabled signal
Profibus PA
1 FEC CPU 25 WorldFIP crates in the final phase. 100 agents. 56 channels installed for the infrastructure: - 28 Connected Spare. 768 channels expected for the 6 Cryomodules: ~ 43% declared as spare. ~ 69 connected for the CM in position 2.
InstrumentationAddress devices PT 364 (Vacuum)12 LFC (FT, CV)13…28 1 CPU S Interface ET Link. 16 Couplers PA: 17 Slaves DP: CP nºInstrumentationAddress Coupler Address devices 1&2CL TT's (PT100)4- 3RM (PT, FT, CV)53…10 4Dewar (CV,PT)511…18 5&6JB 1 (CV,PT)63…18 7&8JB 2 (CV,PT)73…18 9&10JB 3 (CV,PT)83…18 11&12JB 4 (CV,PT)93…18 13&14JB 5 (CV,PT)103…18 15&16JB 6 (CV,PT)113…18
Split range is a control configuration used in industrial processes for controlling pressure, temperature or flow. The output signal of a single PID controller is split and sent to two or more control valves. A single process is controlled by coordinating the actions of several valves. E.g. the controller adjusts the opening of the inlet valve when the measured value of the PT is in the range of 0 to 100bar, the outlet valve when is 120 to 200bar and the ventilation valve when is greater than 200bar. PT Vessel SRC inletoutlet vent
Operation Stepper – CM2
Operation StepperOperation Stepper – CM2
First cold down of the HIE cryomodule 1/2
First cold down of the HIE cryomodule 2/2
Cryomodule cryostat measured heat load
Conclusion Cryogenic refurbishing done without main issues. Cryogenic control system is a CERN cryogenic group standard. Commissioning phase with cryomodule cooled down with LHe, progressing well. LHe level remains stable while tests on the solenoid and cavities are progressing. Commissioning with beam expected next October Second cryomodule installation in progress, test in SM18 M9 end of the year.