Re-entry (Oh no, I’m back)
1. Before Getting on that Plane
Issues – Did you register for UNM classes? – Did you take enough pictures? – Did you do everything you wanted to do? – Did you journal your experience well enough? (Either through writing or video) – Do you have enough souvenirs for your family and friends? – Be ready to start life back home…again.
2. After Getting off the Plane
Challenges – You will feel exhaustion and excitement to be back at home. – After a short period of time from returning home, you might feel » Boredom » People might not be able to relate to you as you wish and vice versa. » Reverse Homesickness » Alienation » Changed » Unable to use your new skills and knowledge » Fear that you will “lose” your experience » Reverse Culture Shock
Best Advice
Do not panic, this is NORMAL. Every one of you will go through this and you are NOT alone. This is something you will go through in order for you to process the experience and adjust. Don’t feel like this guy! You’re not alone!
Reverse Culture Shock
– What is it? It is similar to the culture shock you first experience overseas. You’ll be going from a Honeymoon Phase-Culture Shock Phase-Adjustment Phase (It’s like a bad break-up!) You will feel very “foreign” while back home as opposed to when you felt very “American” when you were overseas.
– How to combat it? No matter what, you will have this coming back home. The extent to which you have it just depends on the person. You will need to use some of the same coping skills and mechanisms while abroad in order to get through the low points of Reverse Culture Shock. Be patient with yourself and relax, this is a phase you will go through, and it is NORMAL! Be active, read, exercise, don’t get “stuck” and brood over or dwell on the past! Use this time to reflect on and learn from the experience. Your relationships and you will be changed, work not only on rebuilding them, but making them better! Stay spontaneous, try new things, and make new friends, just like you did abroad.
Best Advice
Take a lesson from Dr. Jones! Expect to go through it and be prepared. After all, Indiana was a boy scout.
What to do after everything is said and done? Get involved with OIPS! Come volunteer with us to make class presentations about your university and the country in which you were! Take classes regarding your country (i.e. Language, History, Cultural). Get involved with International groups on campus! (i.e. Rotaract, Model UN, Language Clubs) Please visit our career services to talk about how you can effectively use your international experience in the workplace. (Career Services will be included)
Continued Come to our re-entry orientation for free food and story- swapping. I may even bring cookies! It will be held normally a few weeks after the start of the UNM semester and is a great way to share your experiences with others! The World Student Alliance is always looking for new faces to get involved with their International students. They do all types of activities with them ranging from Salsa dancing to go-kart racing. Whenever you want to talk about your experience with someone, our doors are always open to you. We would love to see you and hear about your experience, because we got to know you before you left, but would love to spend time to get to know the new and changed you as well!