Sponsors HEMAC Midwestern Conference Creating and Implementing Your Mobile App Strategy Tools and techniques that can help you build an effective mobile app that meets your institution’s overall goals Presenter: Jennifer Poyer
Sponsors HEMAC Midwestern Conference Why add mobile? Students expect it Adds value and buy-in for our Portal Functionality we included o Student registration and registration status o Check grades, transcripts, account balance, holds and daily class schedule o Class look-up o Links to our social media components and areas of our web presence (Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, Athletics, Library) o Campus map o Address update and emergency contacts update o Emergency phone list o Calendar, directory and news o Portal My Messages
Sponsors HEMAC Midwestern Conference
Sponsors HEMAC Midwestern Conference ENMU Profile Founded in 1934 Student enrollment is approximately 6,000 students on three campuses, compete at the NCAA II level in intercollegiate athletics Banner institution MyCampus Portal Brand promise: personal touch, student success, i.e. we care
Sponsors HEMAC Midwestern Conference Our project issues Initial unrealistic expectations o Not an out-of-the-box product / project ENMU team turnover o Webmaster left, restructuring of department left no replacement CEAI team turnover o Several different contacts and new team mid-way Test accounts problematic (connected to our test instance of Banner – we call it PLAY) o Cleared IDs o Cleared information Started project early spring 2013 semester, goal to be completed by start of 2013 fall semester
Sponsors HEMAC Midwestern Conference Our project issues Slow feedback from ENMU team o Only one person checking the builds Communicating ideas problematic o Changes requested misinterpreted or not implemented o Information lost in the flow of s Started project early spring 2013 semester, goal to be completed by start of 2013 fall semester
Sponsors HEMAC Midwestern Conference Implementation strategy / approach New launch date, expected week of June o Sent to Apple App Store—15-21 days for beta launch Phase I and Phase II o Completed modules sent for Phase I, meets administrative requirements and student requests o Additional customizations and remaining modules included in Phase II Allows us to complete the remaining modules, tweak existing modules and gives us more time to work with our stakeholders getting feedback we can provide to our CEAI developers
Sponsors HEMAC Midwestern Conference Implementation strategy / approach New team brought new perspective, more time o Added the marketing group to the mix o De-prioritized the project in favor of a major shift downsizing our Communication Services and Printing Services area, ended up giving us more time to assess and nail down what we need from our application Added a test user in our systems area to check Banner information o Especially helpful when checking test account populated information Added unpopulated test accounts in the Banner production instance for test users (Student, Faculty, Staff) o Maps them to a permanent ID number o Unpopulated, does not affect institutional reports and research
Sponsors HEMAC Midwestern Conference IT / Marketing Relationship A good working relationship between the marketing area and IT is helpful o Obtain administrator support o Have strong, open and regular communication o Participate in off-the-clock activities together o Break invisible boundaries that might inhibit strong communication o Try to understand the other side of the process o Relay your responsibilities
Sponsors HEMAC Midwestern Conference Implementation strategy / approach Documented test user data needing to be populated o Created a spreadsheet with the tables and fields needing to be populated for each test user, so when we cloned our test instance (which the mobile app is interacting with), the data was easily re-populated
Sponsors HEMAC Midwestern Conference Implementation strategy / approach Checked the app from top to bottom each build o Time consuming at first, but worth it Used an Issue Tracker spreadsheet o Send an updated, dated file after each build with any new issues documented and verified completed items deleted o Included screen shots as needed, especially for more complicated functionality issues
Sponsors HEMAC Midwestern Conference Use screenshots to explain functionality changes
Sponsors HEMAC Midwestern Conference Sometimes, mock-up screenshots are needed; delete rows for completed items
Sponsors HEMAC Midwestern Conference Keep folders for screenshots, to have for reference if something changes.
Sponsors HEMAC Midwestern Conference Implementation strategy / approach Implemented regular working sessions, at least one following each build o CampusEAI team can ask specific questions about change requests and get immediate answers o Some changes can be made and viewed on-screen, removing potential for typos or miscommunication (in particular, verbiage changes are very easy when using this technique)
Sponsors HEMAC Midwestern Conference What we would have changed Look at sample mobile platforms from other institutions who have a similar set-up o Request that application as a starting point Engage test users for different areas of our institution after the first build o Marketing (brand) o Enrollment Services o Registrar o Academic Affairs o Advising o Human Resources o Systems (IT group)
Sponsors HEMAC Midwestern Conference What we would have changed Banner definition documentation o Documentation that maps the information used in the mobile app to the different banner tables and files for items called into the application (function called and the variable that gets called in from the Banner instance used) Find out if there is a way to have an interface we could log in and see the full-blown test instance that communicates with the mobile app Communicate using the Issue Tracker / working session combination from first build
Sponsors HEMAC Midwestern Conference Roles CampusEAI involvement o Communication o Implementation o Patience Requirements from ENMU o Communication o Consistency o Patience
Sponsors HEMAC Midwestern Conference Next Steps / Roadmap (Where do we go from here?) Complete Phase II Produce marketing materials to introduce the mobile app to our stakeholders Assess analytics and stakeholder feedback regularly to keep up with and exceed user expectations as we move forward
Sponsors HEMAC Midwestern Conference Questions Office: Cell:
Sponsors HEMAC Midwestern Conference Kryptos Mobile – Interoperating With Banner Grant Program License Cost - $60,000 – Waived Off Implementation Cost - $40,000 – Waived Off Support and Maintenance - $9,500/Year
Sponsors HEMAC Midwestern Conference Ash Bard Director – Kryptos Mobile Tel: ext. 230 Fax: For more information on Kryptos Mobile apps interoperating with Banner, please contact: