Lesson 5: Building Your App
Objectives Reviewing splash, home screens Building the app: next screen levels Adding content & creating a citations list Matching templates to elements of mind map Essential Questions How does a mind map help to build the structure of an app? How are the “best” resources selected to build content? How are citations included? How does a screen’s content inform the choice of template?
Step 1: Review the Basics Splash screen, home screen, connecting screens, and templates
Reviewing Procedures Review roles for each group member in order to assign responsibilities moving forward Review the splash screen for color selection, logo and descriptor integration, overall aesthetics (how it looks) Review home screen for button placement, color selections Review connections of second level screen(s) and home screen Review templates and match appropriate types to elements of your mind map
Step 2: Add Content Collecting viable resources and citing them
Including Citations Just as important on an app as in a research paper! Includes text AND images Review MLA procedures for listing sources Resource: aquickonline.pdfhttp://library.laguardia.edu/files/pdf/ml aquickonline.pdf Recommended template: “Double-Header” (see image at right)
Determining Source Credibility Also just as important as for a research paper! Test each source, using a checklist… Resource: sites.htmhttp://mason.gmu.edu/~montecin/web-eval- sites.htm
Adding Content to Screens Check for “app-friendly” formatting Keep entries short/manageable Experiment with HTML style Place images in a logical pattern Pay attention to aesthetics
Next Steps Continue to build content and properly cite your sources Be prepared to continue building your app, using various templates and content you discover about your topic