TRANSBOUNDARY WATERCOURSES IN THE UNECE REGION Guidelines to complete the information data sheet for transboundary rivers Finnish Environment Institute.


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Presentation transcript:

TRANSBOUNDARY WATERCOURSES IN THE UNECE REGION Guidelines to complete the information data sheet for transboundary rivers Finnish Environment Institute

GUIDELINES TO COMPLETE THE RIVERS DATA SHEET 1 Introduction General description of the river, its origin, length, course, and hydrographic characteristic as well as characteristics of the basin. Main uses and status conditions. Some rows only. BAL 19: River Daugava The sea where the river discharges (see Excel-sheet) The number of the river basin (see Excel-sheet) The name of the river basin (names in other riparian languages) Figure 1: Map of the river basin if you have an alternative map, please attach it mentioning the source

GUIDELINES TO COMPLETE THE RIVERS DATA SHEET 2 General information on the river basin Area (km 2 ): Total area (Compare the figures with the information of the chapter 3) Population density of the total river basin (persons/km 2 ): (Compare the figures with the information of the chapter 3) Annual discharge (km 3 ): Mean flow (m 3 /s) can also me mentioned Detailed information on the discharge: Information on variability of annual discharge. Information can be complemented with tables and data series at the end of the data sheet. Lake percentage (%): The area of all the lakes in the river basin of the total area of river basin (as percentage) Groundwaters and their importance Short description of the resources and their use Land use: Description of different land uses and relevant percentages of the basin area (more detailed information of different countries can be added to the chapter 3) Dams: Number and description of existing or planned dams. Recipient Sea: Compare the information in the heading

GUIDELINES TO COMPLETE THE RIVERS DATA SHEET 3 Countries sharing the river basin From each country following data: The area of the river basin in the country (km 2 and % of total area): Compare the figures with the information of the total area (given in chapter 2) Population density in the river basin in the country (persons/km 2 ): Compare the figures with the information of the total area (given in chapter 2)

GUIDELINES TO COMPLETE THE RIVERS DATA SHEET 1 if there is no permanent commission, please provide information on the contact person/department in the ministry/water agency 4 Transboundary agreement Title and short description of the agreement: Joint body (contact information) 1 : Information on the legislative basis for monitoring: National laws and implementing by laws for monitoring including description of deriving monitoring requirement. Information on relevant administration: Information on different organizations involved in water management and their respective main duties. Information on all contact organizations and persons: Separately in all countries (including addresses)

GUIDELINES TO COMPLETE THE RIVERS DATA SHEET 5 Monitoring activity Monitoring programmes: Hydrology: The main structure and frequencies of hydrological monitoring network as well as information of the length of data sets and the reporting system (with relevant links). Water quality: The main structure and frequencies of water quality (physico-chemical) monitoring network as well as information of the length of data sets and the reporting system (with relevant links). Biology: The main structure and frequencies of biological (including microbiological) monitoring network as well as information of the length of data sets and the reporting system (with relevant links). Pressure factors: The main network structure and frequencies of monitoring of different pressures to the watercourses (urban and industrial waste waters, estimation of significant non-point loading) as well as information of the length of data sets and the reporting system (with relevant links).

GUIDELINES TO COMPLETE THE RIVERS DATA SHEET 5 Monitoring activity (continued) Data bases: Hydrology: Information of possible data registers (or information where the monitoring data sets can be found and in which format) Water quality: Information of possible data registers (or information where the monitoring data sets can be found and in which format) Pressure factors: Information of possible data registers (or information where the monitoring data sets can be found and in which format)

GUIDELINES TO COMPLETE THE RIVERS DATA SHEET 6 Assessment and reporting Short history of water protection measures: Short description of different steps e.g. in waste water treatment and other water protection measures Most serious water- quality problems: e.g. eutrophication, organic pollution, harmful (or toxic organic) pollutants, heavy metals, oil etc. Most serious water- quantity problems (e.g. flooding): (including also information on minimum flows) Status assessment: (in high and good status) (polluted) Select the most illustrative figure and summarize the state of the basin with short description Short description of possible trends in the state of water bodies: Description of the possible trend of the state (improving, deteriorating, stable etc.)

GUIDELINES TO COMPLETE THE RIVERS DATA SHEET Figures and tables Add some figures and tables to describe especially the possible trends in the status of the water bodies concerned This assessment was prepared on date by name of the person providing the information... 7 Useful links and possible publications Please add all sources of information on the basin, especially those which was used to complete the data sheet.