INTRODUCTION When we think of being healthy, exercise is usually the first thought Nutrition and fitness work together As HPFM majors, educating clients about basics can help lifestyles
MISCONCEPTIONS Exercise without proper nutrition can yield desired outcomes Building muscle vs. maintaining weight More protein intake will help build muscle Recommended daily intakes Eating unbalance d diet Proper nutrition
WHAT TO INCLUDE IN DIET Variety gives the body more nutrients Does not provide the same benefits! Body needs nutrients from other sources Eating 5 servings of one fruit/ vegetable Click here to see the benefits of eating a variety of foods
WHAT TO INCLUDE IN DIET For those who have restricted diets… For those who prefer specific fruits/ vegetables.. It is important to understand different sources of carbohydrates/ fats/ protein Look at how much you’re eating Look at what you’re lacking in
HOW TO TRACK DIET Track your own meals (here!)here!
CARBOHYDRATES Should make up 50-55% of daily caloric intake Basic molecule is monosaccharide Monosaccharide = one sugar molecule Three monosaccharides: Glucose, Fructose, Galactose All carbs are converted to glucose Used as energy
CARBOHYDRATES 4 kcal/ gram Primarily comes from plant sources Starch, sugar, fiber Some come from animal sources Lactose, glycogen
CARBOHYDRATES Not necessarily “good” or “bad” Can be eaten in moderation It is okay to have once in awhile As long as not in excess
FAT (LIPIDS) Lipids are used as fuel at rest Also used in light exercise Three groups: simple, compound, derived Stored as glycerol and fatty acids Fatty acids Saturated, unsaturated, trans-fatty acids
FAT (LIPIDS) 9 kcal/ gram Recommended intake: >20% but <30% & <10% saturated Saturated generally found in animal products Unsaturated generally found in plant products Trans-fatty Act as saturated fats, but made of hydrogenated oils
FAT (LIPIDS) Omega-3s EPA & DHA Found in cold water fish Linolenic acid (found in plants) Plants can be converted Omega-6s Linoleic acid Vegetable oils, nuts, whole grains
PROTEIN Made from Amino Acids 20 amino acids – 8 essential Complete proteins – Animal: meat, dairy, fish, poultry, eggs Plant: soy, quinoa Incomplete proteins – Grains, greens, legumes
PROTEIN 4 kcal/ gram Recommended intake: ~.4 grams/ lb. Athletes may need more protein grams/ lb. However, excess is dangerous At 0.9 grams/ lb., may stress kidneys May cause deficiency in Vitamin B6
PAY ATTENTION TO Notice different beverages & amounts obtained Soda Coffee/ Tea Juices Smoothies
HELPFUL TIPS Write down short term goals Write down preferred fruits/ vegetables Try new foods Create a contract/ plan with another person Try pairing different foods together Added benefits
HELPFUL TIPS Start slowly Add 1 fruit/ vegetable per day Can be snacks throughout the day Substitute something healthy in your meal Chips vs. fruit or nuts