R119 Analysis Overview Joel Sander for numerous people
What This Talk Should Be R119 Overview Cuts & Efficiencies Data Quality Band & Qinner Timing Cut Known issues with the data What remains to be done Timeline to a result Not ^
Gaps due to extra calibration runs R119 Overview 12 Detector run from March 25 th through August 8 th 6 Ge detectors Collected ~70 live days of low background data during 137 calendar days 50% low background efficiency due to extra calibration runs interspersed throughout 7 million gamma calibration events 200k neutron calibration events Flash detectors every 4hrs to maintain neutralization
Data Quality – Z11 Near ydelay = -20, Z9 (G31) has a discrete change in charge collected. No other detector has this feature. Z11 has a high number of barium calibration events with slow timing parameters and low yield. The slow timing/low yield events appear to be coming from the strange region.
Data Quality – Charge Threshold The charge threshold can affect the efficiency of the lowest energy bin…how low can the charge threshold go? 1) Misfit likelihood increases 2) Guarantee no zero-charge NR events Simulate charge traces with white noise To keep expected leakage of gamma events into the NR band < 0.1, the minimum analysis threshold, pric = 7 keV. Charge threshold cut at 3.85 sigma keeps keeps number of zero-charge NR events < 0.01.
Data Quality – Trigger Efficiencies I Run 119 tower 1 trigger efficiencies are comparable to run 118 trigger efficiencies.
pt (keV) Tower 2 Trigger Efficiencies Efficiency pt (keV) Efficiency Tower 1 Trigger Efficiencies Data Quality – Trigger Efficiencies II Tower 1 trigger efficiencies similar to R118 Tower 2 germanium trigger efficiencies worse than Tower1 Tower 2 silicon trigger efficiencies better than Tower1 Trigger efficiencies don’t reach 100% for all detectors pt (keV)
Gamma & Nuclear Recoil Bands Gamma calibration events Neutron calibration events Ge Z9 Er Band Efficiency from Barium Ge Z9 Er Band Efficiency from Background Si pric (keV)
Neutron Q inner Cut Estimate efficiency for neutrons passing Q inner cut (blue efficiciencies) Correct for ‘funnel’ and ‘rain down’ events Re-estimate efficiency for corrected neutrons passing Q inner cut (red efficiencies)
R118 Z3 Efficiency Efficiency comparable to r118 Timing Cut Goal: A fraction of an event leakage pric (keV) Efficiency Worst neutron efficiency shown (excluding T1Z1)
Filter Noise Traces in Ba Series _2123 Unusually high noise power at low frequencies Resulting optimal filter low frequency weighting is abnormally low 62.3 keV event found in noise trace sample – passes DarkPipe pulse rejection routine → bug in code At least 6 r119 & 1 r118 Ba series, as well as 5 r118 background series exhibit similar symptoms – need to evaluate the extent of the problem and reprocess accordingly Other datasets show weaker symptoms – are they ok? qsum / prg Yield shift for Z11 in dataset _1528 Count
What Remains to be Done Understand impact of events contaminating some noise traces How many datasets does this effect? Update bad events cut results from darksnoop results from recent KS tests contamination of noise traces Some cuts still need to be checked timing cut Qinner cut Leakage estimates must be made Are we confident that we have found all bugs? If not when will we be?
What is the Timeline to a Result? Current time line: by 21 st : complete analysis unblind eliminate all bugs by April APS: double check result write PRL present new result!