一、 Translate the following HRM terms ( 15 Points,each 1 point ) 二、 True or False ( 20 Points,each 1 point ) 三、 Define the following terms(25points, each 5 points)
HRM ( p3 ) HRM function focuses on the people aspect of management. It consists of practices that help the organization deal effectively with its people during the various phases of the employment cycle
JobJob analysis ( p4 ) Job Job analysis is a systematic procedure for gathering, analyzing and documenting information about particular jobs. Job analysis is a systematic procedure for gathering, analyzing and documenting information about particular jobs.
JobJob specification (补充) Job A job specification is a list of knowledge,skills, abilities and personal characteristics (KSAP) that an individual must have to perform the job successfully.A job specification is a list of knowledge,skills, abilities and personal characteristics (KSAP) that an individual must have to perform the job successfully.
Recruitment/Recruiting p64 Recruitment is defined as a process used by an organization to locate and attract job applicants in order to fill a positions. Recruitment is defined as a process used by an organization to locate and attract job applicants in order to fill a positions.
Job Posting p68 Job Posting Job Posting p68 In the typical job posting system, a job vacancy notice is posted on the notice board or the website for all employees to see.In the typical job posting system, a job vacancy notice is posted on the notice board or the website for all employees to see.
Training and Development p118 We define training and development as planned learning experiences as planned learning experiences designed to provide workers with the competencies needed to perform the competencies needed to perform their current and future jobs.
Developing Replacement charts (p122) Replacement charts indicating the availability of candidates and their readiness to step into the various management position, showing the possible replacement candidates, in rank order, for each management position. Replacement charts indicating the availability of candidates and their readiness to step into the various management position, showing the possible replacement candidates, in rank order, for each management position.
Job Rotation (p124) A method of management development in which companies rotate trainees through a number of departments. A method of management development in which companies rotate trainees through a number of departments.
Performance Appraisal ( 补充) Performance appraisal is the process of appraising employee job-related behaviors and outcomes,then giving feedback on how well an employee is doing his or her job.
Compensation (补充) Compensation represents all kinds of economic rewards received by an employee from a company in return for work performed.
Job Evaluation ( p160 ) A systematic process for determining the worth of a job.
四、 Answer the following question(20 points) 1.Discuss the various internal (external)recruitment methods. ( Chapter 4 PPT ) 2.How many types of valuable information may be sought by the interviewers during the interview? P What methods can be used to develop managers ? P . How to design an appraisal system? P
五、 Case Study ( 20 points ) 1 . Gaining Competitive Advantage at Armco Inc. p44 2.Gaining Competitive Advantage at Tesco. P117 3 . Equity theory p160 4.Gaining Competitive Advantage at Lincoln Electric. P185 5 . Please write a job description for the monitor in your class or (driver,salesman maintenance mechanic ( Chapter 3 PPT ) 6. Ed is worried. ( Chapter 7 PPT ) 7.Filling in company application forms ( Chapter 5 )
Case 3 Equity theory Equity theory suggests that people evaluate the fairness of their situations by comparing them with those of other people. According to the theory, a person (P) compares her own ratio of perceived outcomes O (pay, benefits, working conditions) to perceived inputs I (effort, ability, experience) to the ratio of a comparison other (o). Equity theory’s main implication for managing employee compensation is that to an important extent, employees evaluate their pay by comparing it with what others get paid and their work attitudes and behaviors are influenced by such comparisons. Another implication is that employee perceptions are what determine their evaluation. The fact that management believes its employees are paid well compared with those of other companies does not necessarily translate into employees’ beliefs. Employees may have different information or make different comparisons than management.
Case 3 Equity theory Two types of employee social comparison of pay are especially relevant in making pay level and job structure decision. First, external equity pay comparisons focus on what employees in other organizations are paid for doing the some general job. Such comparisons are likely to influence the decisions of applicants to accept job offers as well as the attitudes and decisions of employees about whether to stay with an organization or take a job elsewhere. The organization’s choice of pay level influences its employees’ external pay comparisons and their consequences. A market pay survey is the primary administrative tool organizations use in choosing a pay level. Second, internal equity pay comparisons focus on what employees within the same organization, but in different jobs, are paid. Employees make comparisons with lower-level jobs, jobs at the some level (but perhaps in different skill areas or product divisions), and jobs at higher levels. In addition, employees make internal equity pay comparisons with others performing the same job.
Case 7: Filling in company application forms Filling in company application forms can become a boring and repetitive task. Yet any carelessness on an applicant’s part can draw a negative reaction from readers. Each company or organization usually uses its own specially designed form that, although it generally asks for the same basic information, may vary in detail. Consequently the suggestions below apply mainly to the approach (方法) you should take rather than suggest what you should write. When visiting future employers, always carry your personal data record with you so that you can readily search for details such as dates, telephone numbers and other useful information.
Case 7: Filling in company application forms Treat every application form as though it is the first one you are completing ----write carefully and neatly. Use words that describe the responsibility and different aspects of each job you have held rather than list only the duties you performed. Particularly describe social activities that show your involvement in the community, or activities in which you held a teaching or coaching role. Pay particular attention if there is a section on the form that asks you to comment on how your education and past experience have especially prepared you for the position. Think this through very carefully before you write so that what you say shows a natural progression from past experience to the job you are applying for. If you can, and if they fit naturally, add a few words to demonstrate how the position you’re your overall career plan.