Corso di clinical writing
What to expect today? Core modules IntroductionIntroduction General principlesGeneral principles Specific techniquesSpecific techniques Title/Abstract draftingTitle/Abstract drafting Finding out relevant literature, and Introduction draftingFinding out relevant literature, and Introduction drafting Nuts & bolts of statistics and Methods draftingNuts & bolts of statistics and Methods drafting Practical session 1 – Appraisal of a published articlePractical session 1 – Appraisal of a published article
What to expect tomorrow? Core modules IntroductionIntroduction Correction of abstracts submitted by participantsCorrection of abstracts submitted by participants Practical session 2 – Abstract draftingPractical session 2 – Abstract drafting Results draftingResults drafting Discussion draftingDiscussion drafting Tables and Figures draftingTables and Figures drafting Peer review and publicationPeer review and publication Synthetic example – database creation, analysis and Results draftingSynthetic example – database creation, analysis and Results drafting
What to expect today? Core modules IntroductionIntroduction General principlesGeneral principles Specific techniquesSpecific techniques Title/Abstract draftingTitle/Abstract drafting Finding out relevant literature, and Introduction draftingFinding out relevant literature, and Introduction drafting Nuts & bolts of statistics and Methods draftingNuts & bolts of statistics and Methods drafting Practical session 1 – Appraisal of a published articlePractical session 1 – Appraisal of a published article
Methods of this course Hands-on approach & emphasis on examples Nelson et al, NEJM 2004
Learning goals of this course Which general principles apply to clinical writing?Which general principles apply to clinical writing? Which specific techniques apply?Which specific techniques apply? How do I appraise a published clinical paper?How do I appraise a published clinical paper? How do I draft a clinical paper?How do I draft a clinical paper? How does peer-review work?How does peer-review work? How can I put together data, analyze them, and then summarize them into a manuscript?How can I put together data, analyze them, and then summarize them into a manuscript?
Learning goals of this course Which general principles apply to clinical writing?Which general principles apply to clinical writing? A number of general principles can guide you into motivating and organizing your effort in clinical writing - eg do try to write in English only!)
Learning goals of this course Which specific techniques apply?Which specific techniques apply? A number of specific technique apply to clinical writing, enabling you to maximize success and minimize efforts, towards communicating your clinical message - eg always use “action” phrases!
Learning goals of this course How do I appraise a published clinical paper?How do I appraise a published clinical paper? A number of checklists and schemes can be used to appraise a published article - eg the CONSORT and EBM tools can be used to assess a manuscript
Learning goals of this course How do I draft a clinical paper?How do I draft a clinical paper? A clinical paper should be drafted according to the funnel and IMRAD sheme – eg by moving from Introduction, to Methods, Results, and Discussion
Learning goals of this course How does peer-review work?How does peer-review work? Peer-review is a largely non-scientific and inefficient process, which however enables external and roughly independent appraisal of an article quality and priority – similarly to democracy, it is the worst form of appraisal of science, except all the others that have been tried (W. Churchill)
Learning goals of this course How can I put together data, analyze them, and then summarize them into a manuscript?How can I put together data, analyze them, and then summarize them into a manuscript? Moving from raw data, to databases, statistical analysis and manuscript synthesis is a progressive process, which becomes easier with time – eg like with every surgical act, we become more accomplished with time and practiceMoving from raw data, to databases, statistical analysis and manuscript synthesis is a progressive process, which becomes easier with time – eg like with every surgical act, we become more accomplished with time and practice
Take home messages 1.With the present course we aim to offer you an interactive and didactive experience to guide you and stimulate you into clinical writing 2.Remember that questions are always welcome!
And now let’s move on…