Social Studies Chapter One And Two
Interesting Factoids From Chapter One Fact # 1: Social Scientists Study The Way People Live In Groups. Fact # 2: The Government’s Main Job Is To Make And Carry Out Laws. Fact # 3: A Geographer Is Someone Who Studies Maps, Earth Surfaces, And Places All Over The World.
Interesting Factoids From Chapter Two Fact # 1: The Cardinal Directions On A Compass Rose Are North, South, East, And West. Fact # 2: The Intermediate Directions On A Compass Rose Are Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, And Northwest. Fact # 3: The Four Specialty Maps That We Use Are Elevation Maps, Annual Rainfall Maps, Population Density, And Regional.
Did You Know? Did You Know That The Statue Of Liberty Is Made Of Copper So, Really It’s Color Is Brown. When The Statue Is Exposed To Fresh Air, It Turns Green.