SEARCH STRATEGY by Dr. Ronald M. Henson Research Consultant.


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Presentation transcript:

SEARCH STRATEGY by Dr. Ronald M. Henson Research Consultant

Definition Means of acquiring and appraising information to illuminate a subject Means of acquiring and appraising information to illuminate a subject Conceptual tool that provides a coherent overview or information sources Conceptual tool that provides a coherent overview or information sources Sourcing, retrieval, and processing information sources Sourcing, retrieval, and processing information sources

Four (4) Major Steps 1) Question analysis – narrowing and defining information need, scope and focus of research topic 1) Question analysis – narrowing and defining information need, scope and focus of research topic 2) Information sources – informal, institutional, and library/database sources 2) Information sources – informal, institutional, and library/database sources 3) Interviews – ideas shared between 2 people 3) Interviews – ideas shared between 2 people 4) Selection and synthesis – appraise quality and relevance of collected materials 4) Selection and synthesis – appraise quality and relevance of collected materials

Two (2) Main Searches 1) Related Literature – culled out from books and general references to explain concepts, variables and other pertinent accounts from scholars 1) Related Literature – culled out from books and general references to explain concepts, variables and other pertinent accounts from scholars 2) Related Studies – taken from research documents/scholarly journals to provide findings related to own research 2) Related Studies – taken from research documents/scholarly journals to provide findings related to own research

Literature Review Questions What is known about the subject? What is known about the subject? Are there gaps in knowledge of the subject? Are there gaps in knowledge of the subject? Is there a consensus on relevant issues? Is there a consensus on relevant issues? What is the direction of research as result of literature review? What is the direction of research as result of literature review?

Literature Review Accounts Published works of accredited scholars Published works of accredited scholars Convey knowledge established on the research topic Convey knowledge established on the research topic A piece of writing defined by a guiding concept, not just descriptive list or summaries A piece of writing defined by a guiding concept, not just descriptive list or summaries

Two (2) Skills in Literature Review 1) Information seeking – ability to scan literature, manual or computerized method; identify set of articles and books 1) Information seeking – ability to scan literature, manual or computerized method; identify set of articles and books 2) Critical appraisal – ability to apply principles of analysis and writing techniques 2) Critical appraisal – ability to apply principles of analysis and writing techniques

Sources of Materials 1) Handbooks – compact books of facts 1) Handbooks – compact books of facts 2) Textbooks – collection of writings in a subject area 2) Textbooks – collection of writings in a subject area 3) Encyclopedias – all-embracing compilations 3) Encyclopedias – all-embracing compilations 4) Dictionaries – compendium of words and their meanings 4) Dictionaries – compendium of words and their meanings 5) Annual reviews/series – yearly summaries of current researches 5) Annual reviews/series – yearly summaries of current researches

Sources of Materials 6) Bibliographies – list of citations to sources 6) Bibliographies – list of citations to sources 7) Indices – provide a way of finding cross- references by headings (subject/author) 7) Indices – provide a way of finding cross- references by headings (subject/author) 8) Abstracts – summaries/synopsis (1/10 th of a page based on UNESCO standard) 8) Abstracts – summaries/synopsis (1/10 th of a page based on UNESCO standard) 9) Scholarly journals – serials published by professional/academic organizations 9) Scholarly journals – serials published by professional/academic organizations 10) Trade publications – important sources of information and insights 10) Trade publications – important sources of information and insights

Criteria for Evaluating Sources Purpose – whether primary or secondary sources Purpose – whether primary or secondary sources Objectivity – lack of bias or prejudice Objectivity – lack of bias or prejudice Qualifications of author – credentials, experience and status Qualifications of author – credentials, experience and status Level – from simple, technical to advanced Level – from simple, technical to advanced

How To Conduct Literature Review Select and narrow the research topic. Select and narrow the research topic. Zero into your research questions. Zero into your research questions. Cover materials relevant to your variables. Cover materials relevant to your variables. Choose search strategy and organize by outlining your ideas. Choose search strategy and organize by outlining your ideas.

Structures in Literature Review Topical order (outlining) Topical order (outlining) Chronological order (narrative) Chronological order (narrative) Problem-solution order (logical) Problem-solution order (logical) General-to-specific order (deductive) General-to-specific order (deductive) Specific-to-general order (inductive) Specific-to-general order (inductive) Factor-to-result (cause-effect analysis) Factor-to-result (cause-effect analysis) Comparison-contrast (likeness/differences) Comparison-contrast (likeness/differences)

Example of Search Strategy Research Topic: “Strategies in Downsizing Government and Effects on Motivation of Employees” Research Topic: “Strategies in Downsizing Government and Effects on Motivation of Employees” - How can rationalization strategies help in downsizing? - What are the objectives in downsizing for organizational change? - How is downsizing implemented in government? - What is the motivational level of employees as a result of downsizing?

Some Literature Review Topics Rationalization strategies Rationalization strategies Downsizing definition, strategies, and characteristics Downsizing definition, strategies, and characteristics Effects of downsizing on organizations Effects of downsizing on organizations Organizational change Organizational change Resistance to change, organizational conflicts Resistance to change, organizational conflicts Motivation, security needs Motivation, security needs Commitment and company loyalty Commitment and company loyalty Other sources of information relevant to research Other sources of information relevant to research

Parts of the Literature Review Introduction – sets the tone of research Introduction – sets the tone of research General statement of problem – describes topics and research gaps filled in General statement of problem – describes topics and research gaps filled in Summarizing strategies – “meat” of literature, the body of literature Summarizing strategies – “meat” of literature, the body of literature Critical evaluation and research prospectus – statements of hypotheses with research questions Critical evaluation and research prospectus – statements of hypotheses with research questions

Tips in Writing the Literature Review Following the American Psychological Association (APA) documentation Following the American Psychological Association (APA) documentation - Formal style, third person - Avoid highly-descriptive writing - Use active voice for direct impact - Avoid use of jargon, use familiar terms - Language must be neutral, not sexist

Tips in Writing the Literature Review - Use short sentences - Never plagiarize - Use proper grammar - Pay attention to form and structure of published works - Make conclusions and recommendations clear in your report

Writing Techniques Chronology – time-order process Chronology – time-order process Comparison and contrast –similarities and differences between two or more ideas Comparison and contrast –similarities and differences between two or more ideas Spatial pattern – physical layout and geographical dimensions of a topic Spatial pattern – physical layout and geographical dimensions of a topic Cause and effect – events produce certain results, speculates how ideas turn out Cause and effect – events produce certain results, speculates how ideas turn out Analysis – pros and cons, process of dividing topics, logical conclusions Analysis – pros and cons, process of dividing topics, logical conclusions

Things To Consider In Literature Review A piece of discursive prose, learn to paraphrase and express accurately in your own words A piece of discursive prose, learn to paraphrase and express accurately in your own words Never begin with the author in every paragraph Never begin with the author in every paragraph Organize the literature into sections based on themes or topics Organize the literature into sections based on themes or topics

Things To Consider In Literature Review Do not list all materials published, but synthesize and evaluate the materials Do not list all materials published, but synthesize and evaluate the materials Do not just cut and paste Do not just cut and paste Write but never plagiarize Write but never plagiarize Give credit when it is due, make proper citations Give credit when it is due, make proper citations