Diversity, Democratisation and Difference: Theories and Methodologies Publication Quality Under Pressure: Strategies for When, Where and How to Publish Professor Louise Morley Centre for Higher Education and Equity Research (CHEER)
Main Messages Publications - prioritise and aim for papers in top quality journals Plan - papers for review/ identify and communicate research support needs/ aspirations via mentoring/ appraisal Protect - research time/ writing space; aim for balance between research bidding and writing papers Promote - network, present conference papers, join learned societies. Persevere - re-submit, re-cycle e.g. failed bids into journal papers.
Nothing stinks like a pile of unpublished writing (Sylvia Plath, quoted in Newman, 1971: 168)
Affective Dimensions of Writing What Intrigues Inspires Annoys Confuses Excites You? What thoughts go through your head when you write/ think about writing?
Why/For Whom are you Writing? REF Appointments/Pr omotion Particular journal Community of Practice Media Policymakers Know your Audience/Sta keholders/Ge nre. Network Investigate
What is your Intellectual Project? Find your focus What messages do you wish to convey to the world? Two minutes to tell someone what is important about your work What would you say?
Your Writing Process When? How? What impedes/ enables you? Clear quality time and space Share your drafts/ get feedback Writing buddy? Co-write Be systematic!
Be Creative! What you write Theoretically provocative Contemporary concerns/ capture the zeitgeist Policy relevance Keep Going! We all have an elephant inside us but give birth to a mouse!