Dr. Kristi Little Media Specialist
Every Morning During Homeroom Every Morning During Tribe Time (with an agenda) Every Afternoon Between 2:15 and 3:00 When Can I Come to the Media Center?
During class At lunch At Break When Can I NOT Come to the Media Center?
Where is everything? Fiction – Freestanding shelves. Non-fiction – All along the walls and last freestanding shelf. Reference – First set of aisles on your left. Biography – Inside the last freestanding shelf. Magazines and Graphic Novels – On column in the center. Circulation and School Supplies are in the front at the big desk.
How are the books organized? Fiction – Books are sorted by author. Non Fiction – Books are sorted first by the dewy decimal (numbers) then by the author. Biography – Sorted by the person’s name. Use Safari to find a book. You will learn more about this another time.
Name that category! F Jones Pap Jones Jones B Jones R Jones FICTION FICTION NONFICTION BIOGRAPHY REFRENCE
What does that mean?!? Jones Call Number Barcode
What does that mean?!? F Jones – F Higgens 5 Call # Range Aisle #
What if I want to check out a magazine? Magazines are due back the next school day Choose magazine and bring it to the front desk. There are special barcodes for magazines. Better than normal care must be taken with magazines – they are fragile!
All books must be checked out at the circulation desk. Books are due in two weeks. (You may renew books once.) Reference books and magazines are due next school day Students may not check out books for other students. Any book checked out in your name is your responsibility.
How do I check out a book? 1.Walk up to the desk with the book in your hand. 2.Wait until you are prompted to type in your number. 3.Hand the person behind the counter your book then type in your lunch number. 4.When we hand you back your book, you can stamp it and be on your way.
How do I pay my fine? 1.Walk up to the desk. Say “I am here to pay a fine”. Nothing else need be said. 2.Wait until you are prompted to type in your number. 3.Type in your number and we will tell you your account status and how much you owe. If you think you have a book that is overdue: BRING IT WITH YOU TO THE DESK!
How do I check in a book? a)If it is not overdue, turn it into a book drop around the school or to the book return at the desk. b)If it is overdue, and you DO NOT have money, turn it into the book return at the desk. c)If it is overdue, and you DO have money, get in line and tell us you are paying for an overdue book.
Overdue books cost you 10 cents per day Date is stamped in back of book Stamping is YOUR responsibility. Saying that you did not know when your book is due is no excuse for lateness
Students with overdue books or fines: Cannot check out any other material. Cannot use the computers in the MC
RULES Use your library voice – whisper No socializing with friends
RULES Once you come into the library, you cannot leave without permission…just like your classroom.
RULES Push your chair under when you get up. We have a fireplace. Don’t touch it.
RULES When you are with a class, come in and sit at an assigned table. When you have a book, please sit down at table. We will check out together at the end of the period.
COMPUTER RULES The computers are for educational purposes only. NO web surfing! NO ing! NO downloading or streaming music, videos, or games! NO chat rooms or instant messaging! NO viewing of inappropriate content! You MUST check out an internet pass before attempting to get on the internet!
COMPUTER RULES No spinning around in the chairs. Don’t talk to your friends. You will be asked to leave the library. We know the computers are slow. Get over it.
NEATNESS If you take a book off the shelf, never put the book back on the shelf. Chances are you don’t know where it goes. Put it on a table. Books need to be pulled out to the edge of the shelf. Tidy up the shelf if you have a moment.
We Collect Box Tops! For every 10 boxtops you may enter your name in a weekly drawing for a prize
How else can I help? We sell chicken biscuits each Friday morning in the Gym lobby. Pick one up for only $3! We also sell school supplies every morning!