Welcome (we’ll begin momentarily) From Acronyms to Generations: Are You Being Understood? Presented by: Amy Hart, Hart Training Connection.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome (we’ll begin momentarily) From Acronyms to Generations: Are You Being Understood? Presented by: Amy Hart, Hart Training Connection

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Today’s Presenter Amy Hart, founder of Hart Training Connection, has over 20 years of experience in corporate settings as a training developer and facilitator. She is a Past President of the Houston Chapter of the American Society of Training and Development. Hart Training Connection provides communications skills training, including improving communication between generations, communication styles, team building training, and virtual classes

Today’s Agenda Trends, Generations, and the Workplace Impact Why Understanding Generations is Important Overview of Generational Differences Concluding Chat ? - What’s one thing you’ve learned that can help you be a more effective communicator with different generations?

The Pace of Change – Get Ready! Google just moved from garage office - Facebook’s Zuckerberg in high school - Idea of YouTube – still 5 years away – Market crash slowed Boomers retiring Emerging Technology, Globalization, Increasing Skills & Knowledge Gaps, Gen Y to outnumber all others combined Source: The 2020 Workplace - How Innovative Companies Attract, Develop, and Keep Tomorrow’s Employees Today by Jeanne C. Meister and Karie Willyerd,

Effects of Current Trends on the Workplace -Flattening Organizations – let people move GE -16 layers management, now has 7 -Corporate Ladder built for Industrial Revolution; 68% physical assets; 63% traditional families -Now – 85% intangible assets; 83% nontraditional families …..less a ladder than a corporate lattice

Understanding Generational Differences – Why so Important Now? First Time – four generations in the workforce These Generations are very different in: * Perceptions * Values * Communication Styles Increased Awareness of these Differences = - Increased ability to understand and be heard by others - Increased effectiveness and marketability in workplace

Importance to You and Your Company “Understanding each generation is critical because employers who adapt fastest to a multigenerational workforce will be able to attract the highest-quality employees when the war for talent is in full swing.” The 2020 Workplace: How Innovative Companies Attract, Develop, and Keep Tomorrow’s Employees Today, by Jeanne C. Meister & Karie Willyerd

Remember: Generational differences influence behavior….. _______________________________ They do not determine behavior

Our Goal : To Understand and Accept Differences This is different from agreeing with, preferring, or even necessarily liking the differences communication & collaboration Understanding and accepting the differences is the first step in creating communication & collaboration

The Traditionalists Born (age 69 and up) WWII, the Depression Values - Hard work, Sacrifice for the greater good The Traditionalists (Silent Generation)

The Traditionalists Want Quality, Respect Icons- Radio, Toaster Disciplined loyal team players, work within the system The Traditionalists (Silent Generation)

Baby Boomers 1946 – 1964 (ages 50-68) Vietnam, MLK, Women’s Lib Economic Prosperity Values - Hard work, Sacrifice, Optimism The Baby Boomers “Me Generation”

Baby Boomers Want to have it all, to work, relationships, be leader Icons - Color TV, microwave Workaholics, team players, personal accomplishment The Baby Boomers “Me Generation”

Generation X 1965 – 1979 (ages 35-49) Challenger, Berlin Wall, Latchkey Kids, Divorce Values – Work & life balance, informality, pragmatism Generation X

Want info not opinions, to manage their own way, techno-literacy, flexibility at work Icons – PC, MTV Independent, skeptical, resourceful, innovative, fun Generation X

Millennials 1980 – 2000 (ages 14-34) 9/11, Enron, the Internet Icons – IPOD, cell phones Values – Realism, extreme fun, individuality, social Millennials (Generation Y, Echo Boomers)

Millennials Want recognition, feedback, structure, involvement Confident, multitaskers “Digital-natives,” connected Millennials (Generation Y, Echo Boomers)

How Do We Start Closing the Gaps? Traditionalists Boomers Gen X Gen Y Authority Acceptance of hierarchy; “respect your elders’’ and chain of command Learning & Communication Classroom, Face to Face, Print, Teams, Online Motivation As relates to security As relates to bottom line, my reward Authority Challenges, Ok with if respect questioning is earned Learning & Communication Independent Collaborative Online Online Visual appeal Multi-media Motivation As relates to As relates to what today, my role matters to me

How Do We Start Closing the Gaps? Traditionalists Boomers Gen X Gen Y Authority Acceptance of hierarchy; “respect your elders’’ and chain of command Learning & Communication Classroom, Face to Face, Print, Teams, Online Motivation As relates to security As relates to bottom line, my reward Authority Challenges, Ok with if respect questioning is earned Learning & Communication Independent Collaborative Online Online Visual appeal Multi-media Motivation As relates to As relates to what today, my role matters to me

How Do We Start Closing the Gaps? Traditionalists Boomers Gen X Gen Y Authority Acceptance of hierarchy; “respect your elders’’ and chain of command Learning & Communication Classroom, Face to Face, Print, Teams, Online Motivation As relates to security As relates to bottom line, my reward Authority Challenges, Ok with if respect questioning is earned Learning & Communication Independent Collaborative Online Online Visual appeal Multi-media Motivation As relates to As relates to what today, my role matters to me

Concluding Chat Question What’s one thing you’ve learned that can help you be a more effective communicator with different generations?

To get your complimentary White Paper on Communicating Across Generations Amy Hart at Or visit her website