Entorno De Prácticas Gabriel Amorós (IFIC)
vo.formacion.es-ngi.eu: is a Virtual Organisation (VO) from the Spanish National Grid Initiative (NGI) devoted to education activities on the Grid. Virtual Organisation: is the platform to use by the users with common interests. NGI: is the spanish partner correspondent with the European Grid Initiative (EGI). EGI: is the european project coordinating all the national grid initiatives. It manages Grid at the european (trans- national) level.
National Grid Initiative: GC: Grid-CSIC
EGI: Countries which have expressed their support to EGI
User Interfaces: cg01.ific.uv.es (Scientific Linux 4) cg02.ific.uv.es (Scientific Linux 5) bash>ssh password: ngi#
Within the.globus directory there are the tut#.crt and tut#.key files. They manage your authorisation and permissions for the VO you belong. They are unique for the user, is your identity. bash> voms-proxy-init -cert ~/.globus/tut#.crt -key ~/.globus/tut#.key - voms vo.formacion.es-ngi-eu bash> voms-proxy-init -voms vo.formacion.es-ngi.eu Cannot find file or dir: /home/tut27/.glite/vomses Enter GRID pass phrase: ngi1234 Your identity: /C=ES/O=IFCA/CN=tut27 Creating temporary proxy Done Contacting voms01.ifca.es:15004 [/DC=es/DC=irisgrid/O=ifca/CN=host/voms01.ifca.es] "vo.formacion.es- ngi.eu" Done Creating proxy Done Your proxy is valid until Tue Jun 29 01:15:
To destroy the proxy before the 12 h: bash>voms-proxy-destroy bash>
STORAGE ELEMENTS: ~]$ lcg-info --vo vo.formacion.es-ngi.eu -- list-se - SE: e-se.iaa.es - SE: griddpm01.ifca.es - SE: se01-tic.ciemat.es - SE: se01.macc.unican.es - SE: se2.egee.cesga.es - SE: storm.ifca.es ~]$
COMPUTING ELEMENTS: ~]$ lcg-info --vo vo.formacion.es-ngi.eu --list-ce - CE: ce-iber.bifi.unizar.es:2119/jobmanager-lcgpbs-formangi - CE: ce-ieg.bifi.unizar.es:2119/jobmanager-lcgpbs-formangi - CE: ce-sge-ngi.ceta-ciemat.es:2119/jobmanager-lcgsge-ngiform - CE: ce.egee.cesga.es:2119/jobmanager-lcgsge-GRID_ngifor - CE: ce.iaa.csic.es:2119/jobmanager-lcgpbs-forngi - CE: ce01-tic.ciemat.es:2119/jobmanager-lcgpbs-training - CE: ce01.macc.unican.es:2119/jobmanager-lcgpbs-grid - CE: ce2.egee.cesga.es:2119/jobmanager-lcgsge-GRID_ngifor - CE: ce3.egee.cesga.es:2119/jobmanager-lcgsge-GRID_ngifor - CE: e-ce.iaa.es:2119/jobmanager-lcgpbs-forngi - CE: gridce01.ifca.es:2119/jobmanager-sge-ngifor - CE: test03.egee.cesga.es:2119/jobmanager-lcgsge-GRID_ngifor ~]$
~]$ lcg-infosites --vo vo.formacion.es-ngi.eu lfc gridlfc01.ifca.es CATALOGUE:
CL information: bash>glite-... bash>lcg-... bash>voms-.. bash>lfc-... bash>... bash> Commands help: bash> glite-wms-job-submit -h