Ch. 15-16 Russia and the Republics Unit 5 Test Review Ch. 15-16 Russia and the Republics
Russia Climate Russia has a large land area Because of this the climate varies from desert in the South/Southwest to Permafrost in the Northeast Siberia is the area of Russia known for frigid temperatures.
Click on the links to some cool videos and articles about Russian Climate vel_news/article- 2908635/Photographer-armed-just- SWORD-braves-threat-wolves-50C- Siberia-snap-awe-inspiring-Northern- Lights-images.html =0kLAN6-PJJI
Russian Rivers and Lakes Volga River: longest on the European Continent- see map for location Lake Baikal – oldest and deepest lake in the world Cool Link: image/countrys/asia/russia/ m
Mountains in Russia Caucasus Mountains- form a border between Russia and Transcaucasia Ural Mountains- Some geographers think this is a dividing line between Europe and Asia Look at the physical map of Russia Ch. 15 and locate these mountain chains
Ch. 16 Peter the Great was a Russian Czar who… Modernized Russia with European style building projects and dress He build a modern seaport city and named it after himself (St. Petersburg) Cool Video about Peter the Great L-fks Here’s another: ?v=463djtBQ4Lk
Communism Russia was ruled by Czars (absolute rulers) for many years. Some Russians wanted a different type of government and Economic system Many Russians called Bolsheviks were in favor of a form of government called Communism. Lenin was the leader who ushered in this form of government into Russia. Russia was renamed the U.S.S. R. (United Soviet Socialist Republics) after the nation was reformed by the Communists in 1922 The government took on a Command system – where the government owns means of production (basically “commands” the economy) This is an overview of the difference between Communism and Capitalism (you only have to know the above points though)
Cold War Conflict between the US and USSR It was called “cold” because it never developed into open warfare