14/06/2007Hayg GULER (LLR)1 ATF2 line studies with BDSIM using two different beam inputs parameters.


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Presentation transcript:

14/06/2007Hayg GULER (LLR)1 ATF2 line studies with BDSIM using two different beam inputs parameters

14/06/2007Hayg GULER (LLR)2 BDSIM Choice particle type (e-,e+, gamma) Choice energy, input parameters Sampler : “record” positions (after the selected element). Create one TTree each time (  possibilities to see a Z dependence for example) BDSIM Options: option,physicsList hadronic_standard em_muon em_standard Options, beam characteristics (beam pipe radius )

14/06/2007Hayg GULER (LLR)3 ATF2 V3.6 (Gaussian input) σ x = m σ y = m σ x’ = σ y’ = σ E = GeV

14/06/2007Hayg GULER (LLR)4 Energy loss No Energy loss No creation of secondary particles too perfect (?) Other option to switch on ?

14/06/2007Hayg GULER (LLR)5 Beam parameters (x) One distribution after each element No secondary particles (… !)

14/06/2007Hayg GULER (LLR)6 Beam Parameters (y)

14/06/2007Hayg GULER (LLR)7 Beam parameter as a function of Z

14/06/2007Hayg GULER (LLR)8 Beam parameter as a function of Z

14/06/2007Hayg GULER (LLR)9 Using input file from PLACET Which parameters are in ? Correlations are already in ? At least secondary particles (photons and positrons are created !)

14/06/2007Hayg GULER (LLR)10 Energy loss Energy loss seems to be included In the case of Gaussian input beam the parameters might be not correct

14/06/2007Hayg GULER (LLR)11 Beam parameters (x)

14/06/2007Hayg GULER (LLR)12 Beam Parameters (y)

14/06/2007Hayg GULER (LLR)13 Beam parameter as a function of Z

14/06/2007Hayg GULER (LLR)14 Beam parameters (x) Gaussian FIT

14/06/2007Hayg GULER (LLR)15 Beam parameter as a function of Z (zoom)

14/06/2007Hayg GULER (LLR)16 Beam parameter as a function of Z

14/06/2007Hayg GULER (LLR)17 Beam parameters (y) Gaussian FIT

14/06/2007Hayg GULER (LLR)18 Beam parameter as a function of Z (zoom)

14/06/2007Hayg GULER (LLR)19 Beam Parameters extraction From x and y distributions we extracted σ x and σ y From x and x’ distributions one can extract ε x : And then : extraction of the function : β x =

14/06/2007Hayg GULER (LLR)20 Gaussian input : X

14/06/2007Hayg GULER (LLR)21 Gaussian input : Y

14/06/2007Hayg GULER (LLR)22 PLACET input : X

14/06/2007Hayg GULER (LLR)23 PLACET input : Y

14/06/2007Hayg GULER (LLR)24 Open points, Next Studies Gaussian distribution in BDSIM : What is wrong/correct (?) BDSIM + PLACET : See if the secondary generation is correct (in andtities and distribution) Compare to other codes (optical : Dimad ?) Use other input parameters (from ATF)