組長 : 陳嘉平
電子郵件 ( ) 不斷電系統 (UPS) 高效能電腦 (HPC) 個人電腦教室 (PC Labs) 電子化學習 (e-learning) 視訊媒體 (video conference) 專案計畫 (projects)
鄭志斌 電子郵件, 不斷電系統 林勝峰 高效能電腦, 網頁伺服器 潘筱薇 + 黃信憲 電子化學習, 視訊媒體 侯彥廷 計畫助理
Nodes student.nsysu.edu.tw mail.nsysu.edu.tw faculty.nsysu.edu.tw alumni.nsysu.edu.tw staff.nsysu.edu.tw Open Source-Based Bundled Services theses upload system wireless certification
Barracuda Scoring and Classification go isolate block Daily volume of s 400k
Capacity 100 KVA 90 minutes Location B2F Maintenance negotiating multi-year contract extension
P595P6-570 # CPUs6416 Clock Speed2302 MHz4704 MHz Main Memory256 GB32 GB Storage10 x 512 GB4 x 300 GB Operating SystemAIX CompilersC/C++, Fortran ShellsBash, Korn
PC1PC2PC3PC4 LocationB1 Capacity Clock Speed OSLinux/WindowsWindowsLinux/WindowsWindows Purposecourse (by application)personal (by ID)train/test Hourssame as library hours Management1 intern at a time (Surveillance system)
舊網大 ,000 registered users 1,800 courses 新網大 registration inherited from the academic affair system user certification bundled 17,000 registered users 6,200 courses 180,000 annual maintenance cost; customization extra Moodle a work in progress open source-based, to replace commercial systems
Video Meeting Room (1F) 1-1 video meeting Video Conference Room (B1) video conference for up to 6 points high fidelity Video Recording and Live Broadcasting Co-life System joint project with NCHC offering platform for on-line meeting and lectures (up to 29 concurrent streams per session)